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 #15738  by Kakashi.Archive
So i felt like posting in the news about this, but it might go somewere else. dont know.

But i will start posting sigs of mine that have movie like effects... heres the first.

DBZ- not finished but looks good ... e/DBZ2.gif

Naruto 1- not finished and needs alot of work! ... start2.gif
Last edited by Kakashi.Archive on Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #15739  by Soulreaper
umm is it me or when they move it leaves traces behind?
Last edited by Soulreaper on Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #15745  by Kakashi.Archive
ya u will have to open it...^^

 #15746  by Soulreaper
i knew that was just wondering if that happned to everyone cause my comp is bein a retard latly

 #15775  by Kane
Nice stuff man :D what you using to make them out of curiousity?

 #15792  by Kakashi.Archive
I use the Image ready in adobe photo...^^

 #15939  by Harvo
Its great til the end, then it look like it was pasted together real fast. But the begin was nice.

 #15945  by Kakashi.Archive
ya something happened at the end, it got all screwed up...>.> but w/e ill be fixing it

 #16009  by Kakashi.Archive
Iv updated with one movie, im not sending them like i did, so i just put the link if u care to look...^^ ill let all know of updates later

 #16806  by Zabuza
i like the one with gaara in it. keep up good work

 #16807  by Kakashi.Archive
That one is good, but i messed up on it at the end :(

 #16840  by Wanderer
0.0 wow, realy good kak

 #16873  by Soulreaper
looks good dude

 #16897  by Sidious
Wow, i know nothing about how to make sigs or anything but that is pretty good!!!