This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #167053  by Faux
Hi, I'm Faux. Just got encouraged by Steak to join on here, so here I am lol. Been playing for a little less than a month.

Random facts about me I guess: Green is my favorite color. My favorite band is Nirvana. I'm more of a LotR nerd than a Star Wars nerd.

Guess that's it? lol
 #167054  by cf.Steak
Hey Faux!! Glad to see you made an account! Welcome to the forums. :]

What was your take on the Hobbit movies??
 #167055  by Faux
I wasn't a huge fan of them. They messed up a lot of things and had a lot of weird issues. Not bad movies by any means, but I'd rather watch Lord of the Rings with my time
 #167056  by Primordial
Nice to meet you, Faux. I've never seen the LotR movies or read the books, and the Hobbit I was told to stay away from ahaha. I don't suppose you like Game of Thrones? ;p
 #167057  by Faux
Never seen it haha. I've heard lots of good things though!
 #167058  by jawfin
Obviously you had never read the LoTR book - the films are a travesty, a travesty I say. The only thing worse is The Hobbit films - I mean, I like them, but it's just not Tolkien.

Oh, and, welcome to the forums :)
 #167059  by Faux
Oh I really liked the movies haha. Thanks for the warm welcome!
 #167060  by JediF
Heyo Faux! Welcome! I'm looking foward to more duels with you. Jawfin is somewhat right I must say. Overall they were decent movies! <3
 #167061  by Faux
Hey F! Looking forward to dueling you more too!

Idk I read the books and I still love the movies. I saw them first though so maybe its just nostalgia talking :P
 #167064  by Elsecaller
Hello! Welcome To The Forums! :)
 #167067  by Sakito
 #167069  by cf.Steak
Mnsomc wrote:Welcome to the forums! Wish I knew who steak was though.


Maybe this will get your attention then, Mnsomc. ;]

(He really likes pineapple.)
 #167070  by John
Welcome to the forums!
 #167071  by Faux
Thank you all!
 #167074  by Mechathulhu
Yo Faux, been fun playin on the server with ya, good to see ya on the forums!
 #167075  by Faux
Hey Exiled! It's been really fun dueling for sure :) thank you!
 #167114  by EvilTree
 #167118  by Faux
Sup :P
 #167148  by Atsila
steak why ruin something with something with nasty pineapples. The only thing that will attract is flies and jawas who will eat anything now with that out of the way.