This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #167024  by AaylaSecura
Hello there,

I haven't posted on a forum in a very long time so here goes nothing! Here is a little about me! My in game names are as follows: Aayla Secura, Lystrae, Akame. All were me. I thought I would drop in because I like you guys, and I wanted to be active and stuff in the server!

So now that you know who I am in the game lets get to more offline stuff! I'm a person who lives in Orlando Florida, I'm 22, work at Magic Kingdom. My real name is Actually Lystrae, and I'm currently a college student. I'm majoring in Animation, but that can change. (Which is part of the reason why I'm at Disney besides characters, and attractions). Yes, I hate Ryan Johnsons starwars movie, and yes I hear that question a lot. "Do you like Disney's starwars?" NO lol... My favorite Starwars film was Episode 3 because Aayla was in it as a Cameo, though Order 66 really made me mad! Anyway!

I have met a few people, good friends with Bushido, and I'm happy to be around, thanks for letting me come on the forums. I'll try to be active here, and check it once in a while, but I'm more active in game! I also have discord, and talk to Bushido daily on voice :P So he can tell you, I am in fact a real girl. haha. Screw the dang internet meme's and stuff!!! *Shakes fist* Anyway!

Ya! See ya around!
 #167026  by cf.Steak
Welcome to the forum Lystrae!
That's so cool that you work there, and at one of the best parks there too.
What are some of your favorite animated movies?
 #167029  by Uscari
 #167030  by Elsecaller
Welcome! :D
 #167033  by AaylaSecura
Thanks for the welcomes everyone!

So to answer a question I got from steak. I have a few animations that I really do like. Most of them are old school! So I loved the Fivel series, an American tale! I also liked the rescuers movies! I'm a huge fan of older movies for some reason, movies my mom liked when she was growing up. That's how I was introduced to animation. Kinda watched those as a kid and thought. "I wouldn't mind doing that some day! That would be neat!" lol, ya know childhood dreams.

Magic Kingdom is a great park to work at actually. I have a new adventure there every day. The people I work closely with are very cool, and sometimes theres people who have bad days, but that's at every job! I have them too sometimes! My favorite park is actually Epcot, followed very closely by Animal Kingdom. I just like seeing all the different cultures. Here's something interesting about Epcot that you guys probably don't know. (I'm a nerd, so please bare with me.) Epcot was going to be a community before it was actually a park. They had plans on actually making it into a community with all the latest in future technology. Course, America, and it got stopped... So dumb! Would have been so cool to see. So my favorite thing specifically about Epcot is the cultures that you see. They have Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Japan, Morraco, France, and UK so far.. And Brazil is coming soon! So yeah! Amazing place! You guys should go out there if you're ever in Orlando.

Anyway, sorry I had to nerd out there. I hope you're all having a great day! I'm actually about to get on and go hang out in the server! Btw.... is there anyone that knows how to make sigs? Having a cool sig would be neat :)
 #167034  by Primordial
Nice to see you here on the forums, I’ll be sure to say hello on the server!
 #167035  by EvilTree
 #167036  by Sauron
Welcome Aayla awesome having you on the server and forums! :D
 #167039  by Sakito