The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #166731  by John
The KR council has granted membership to returning member donykerio. Wave and say hi, then run away from his mad staff fan!
 #166733  by Elsecaller
Congrats And Welcome Back Dony!!! :D
 #166735  by Uscari
Welcome back!
 #166736  by EvilTree
Welcome back : )
 #166738  by donykerio

Thank you all who believed I could make it :D
 #166739  by Jagged Fel
Congrats, man =D When I start playing JKA again, maybe we can start our conversations in polish in PM :v =D xD
 #166741  by MasterM
Welcome back!
 #166742  by Sakito
Welcome back dony!!!!!!! =^_^=
 #166745  by g0dchris
Welcome back! ( :
 #166746  by Clank
Good to have you back Bud