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 #166204  by Primordial
Episode 5... well, sith. Captain Strickland very good character, glad we got to see a lot of him. Cleganebowl happened, genuinely satisfied with it.
 #166208  by Zaluk
I was thoroughly enjoying the season and despite everyone's problems with it, I was remaining optimistic. But this episode....yeah didn't enjoy it. I hope the finale is good.
 #166209  by Uscari
This season has been really disappointing. I feel like the writers have honestly stopped trying.
 #166215  by MasterM
Everything has just been so rushed, they want all these big twists and payoffs when the development over seasons 7 and 8 hasn't been there
 #166216  by Mnsomc
Really disappointed with where the series is going. All the deaths seem really lazy at this point, too. It was almost too comical to see the iron fleet going from completely invincible in the previous episode to completely useless.
 #166227  by Zaluk
Primordial wrote:What did you all think about Cleganebowl?
Happy we finally got it, just not happy with how it was done. I love Game Of Thrones fights because of how grounded and real they feel. I mean, just look at Brienne vs the Hound. Bronn vs Ser Vardis. There's more examples but those are the ones that came to me on the top of my head. This one however, to me felt VERY hollywood. Their brief fight in season 1 was better, imo
 #166228  by Primordial
For people looking for more technical realism, such as yourself, it's not as good. When you're in it for the plot and cinematic experience it was perfect for me. I enjoyed how it showed that if it was normal Gregor Clegane, the Hound would have ez'd him (just look at when he first stabbed him). I would have thought it would be more fitting for the fire to be a more direct method of the Hound killing his brother, but oh well.
 #166229  by Zaluk
Primordial wrote:I enjoyed how it showed that if it was normal Gregor Clegane, the Hound would have ez'd him (just look at when he first stabbed him).
I did enjoy that little detail, I will add. It was alluded to in the books as well that the Hound was a much better fighter iirc, so I appreciated that detail(tho did Gregor even keep his skill as a zombie...?) . Idk why the Hound was aimlessly trying to slash through Gregor's armour (as though it'd work..), or why he didn't stab Gregor in the head sooner while he was getting choked. Perhaps I am being a bit nitpicky, but I just suspect that's because episode 5 in general made me feel like my optimism was wasted. I'm sure if I re-watched the fight by itself, it'd be fine. :)
 #166310  by Uscari
What a terrible ending to a great show.

All I can say is I'm waiting for the 6th book to come out, because this right here, what I just saw, is pure fan fiction.
 #166314  by Primordial
I'm thoroughly disappointed in Dan and Dave.

I thought the finale was shot really well - I really like how each of the characters got their happy ending. That's about it really...
They made me hate Daenerys, made me feel sad about watching season 8. I felt there was MORE to see, they left us on a cliffhanger of such, and I want another season to make up for this one.

At least we'll have the prequel show which is about the White Walkers, which is perfectly fine with me.
 #166319  by Zaluk
Although I had issues with episode 5, I was actually satisfied with the ending. It was never going to be an ending that made everyone happy, no matter what they did. Wish there was a little more dialogue between some characters, but overall, I'm fine with it.
 #166320  by Mnsomc
I thought the series finale was not too bad, but only because Episode 5 made such a disappointing turn. Overall, this season was filled with disappointments for me, and honestly I still can't comprehend Sansa (like, why does she insist so much on making the north an independent kingdom? Why did she risk Jon's life by telling Tyrion about the truth? Just makes me think she's just what Arya described her - she just wants nice things. Oh also it's funny how her immediate response to the nomination of Bran as the king was "he can't have children!"). Also not sure how I feel about the Starks going their own ways: "the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."

I did like how they played Arya and Daenerys though. Arya showed clear character developments to me, and ending the show with her embarking on her adventures to the west was a nice touch. As for Daenerys, I've always felt like she had deep darkness, and felt like her becoming the mad queen was pretty natural. Really liked Emilia Clarke's acting as she was dying. I could imagine that's the way the mad king died, too. Although, it's sad given how we were told how Daenerys isn't like her father for the entire series up until the last two episodes, but then the question is, did Daenerys become a mad queen because she's a Targeryen, or because anyone could become like her after losing two "children," one best friend, one trusted adviser, and a lover, all within a matter of weeks?

I could go on and talk many other things that I've liked or disliked, but those are my major takeaways. I'll look forward to a reboot once Martin finishes the book.
 #166347  by Ted
Very disappointed personally. Actors acted well but the writing was terrible.


Jaime's arc thrown out the window.
Cersei done nothing but stare out a window then THAT death scene....Wow.
Arya trains as a serious assassin with intent to kill Cersei (and others) then... doesnt? cause the hound said to run. Also, she has like Thanos-level plot armour.
Daenery's seemed to snap in the space of 2-3 episodes without much "Mad Queen" hints early on in the other seasons. Seemed rushed and a bit out of the blue.
Golden Company...useless.
Rhaegal Death - Very very VERY dumb how this happened. She "forgot" about Euron and Scorpions?
All Hail Bran the Broken.... Just no.
Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen - what was the whole point of the identity reveal to just return to the wall again?
Sam becomes the Grand Maester... before he has even finished his Maester training ? Fan service to the max.
Bronn still alive. I wanted him dead personally as a cutthroat shouldn't inherit such a large Castle.
Greyworm HAD TO DIE. How he managed to survive all this is beyond me.

There's so many to list and go into in depth. Only good thing from the last episode in my opinion was Jon petting Ghost and Brienne filling in Jaime's deeds in the book. The music and Cinematography was beautiful however. They got that right at least.
 #166442  by Uscari

This is a more serious video that I feel like really speaks to why these last two seasons failed to live up to the first six seasons.

It's a major reason why I feel like this show truly ended in season 6. I was hoping Season 8 might be a return to form, since we waited two years for it, but I should have realized that even if the writers were trying, 6 episodes is nowhere near enough to make it a genuine GoT season.
 #166443  by Primordial
They definitely should have made it 10 episodes to dedicate 5 episodes to the white walkers and the Night King and 5 for Cersei, or maybe even 3 episodes so we get 2 episodes on closure.

Personally, I think that the Night King should have been the last villain, and then Cersei was the one before.
 #166508  by Wesker
The whole season was a let down! They should’ve split it into two! All the battles felt rushed and most characters didn’t get the justice the deserved!

Don’t get me started on what they done to my Daenerys as well!