Episode 5... well, sith. Captain Strickland very good character, glad we got to see a lot of him. Cleganebowl happened, genuinely satisfied with it.

Primordial wrote:What did you all think about Cleganebowl?Happy we finally got it, just not happy with how it was done. I love Game Of Thrones fights because of how grounded and real they feel. I mean, just look at Brienne vs the Hound. Bronn vs Ser Vardis. There's more examples but those are the ones that came to me on the top of my head. This one however, to me felt VERY hollywood. Their brief fight in season 1 was better, imo
Primordial wrote:I enjoyed how it showed that if it was normal Gregor Clegane, the Hound would have ez'd him (just look at when he first stabbed him).I did enjoy that little detail, I will add. It was alluded to in the books as well that the Hound was a much better fighter iirc, so I appreciated that detail(tho did Gregor even keep his skill as a zombie...?) . Idk why the Hound was aimlessly trying to slash through Gregor's armour (as though it'd work..), or why he didn't stab Gregor in the head sooner while he was getting choked. Perhaps I am being a bit nitpicky, but I just suspect that's because episode 5 in general made me feel like my optimism was wasted. I'm sure if I re-watched the fight by itself, it'd be fine.