This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #166490  by Wesker
Hello fiends friends, how goes it?

KR is literally the only server I go on when I have the time (I come on my work computer so it all depends how busy my day is), so I figured I’d finally register for the forums after being around for about a year now.

Anyhoo, I know most of you. Hope you’re all well 8)

 #166491  by John
Welcome to the forum.
 #166493  by Wesker
Thanks guys, figured it was about time :lol:
 #166495  by Primordial
Hey Wesker!! How's work not going?
 #166499  by Uscari
Hey there Wesker, I've seen you around before, nice to see you make an account! It's pretty quiet here but you are a welcome addition.
 #166502  by Syzyx
I hope to see you online and give you a good challenge.
 #166503  by g0dchris
Welcome to the forum Wesker! ( :
 #166505  by EvilTree
Welcome! To! The! Forums!
 #166507  by Wesker
@Jagged Fel - Hello.

@Primordial - Off for the weekend so for once not going whatsoever! Hope to have a quiet day on Monday and get some duels in :lol:

@Uscari - Yes I’m sure we’ve met. I gathered it’s quiet but why not?

@Mmsonc - Thanks.

@Syzyx - Yes you won the last duel (by sheer luck, of course) so I look forward to it myself :lol:

@g0dchris - Thanks CHRRRIIIISSSSS!! (Sorry, Resident Evil joke :lol:)

@EvilTree - Thank! You!