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 #166057  by MadonLightstorm
I'd like to say congrats to KR getting rid of the trolls lava world, KR is saved, I hope someday in future I can come back to server, once dust settles, I haven't been on in days, had family over, looking forward to the future, u have settled restless spirit , that I heard reports LAVA World was hoisted from KR, don't u worrie charm i'll be back when my ban is up.

now we I can finally enjoy myself and relax with out having to worrie about trolls lava worlds, on what they we're doing in there.

hey everyone , just passing by.

u once have asked me 'we dunno what your intentions we're at the time' , answer to that question was 'Lava World', that was my objective and main primary goal.

cheers ! drinks all around!

this video how I felt whole time.
Last edited by MadonLightstorm on Wed Apr 24, 2019 5:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
 #166061  by MadonLightstorm
Primordial wrote:Hey Madon - thank you for your best wishes. I am curious though lmao, could you elaborate on how 'Lava World' was your primary goal?
let's say I ran into them before..., years ago at some server called JP (Jedi Phoenix), watched come out of no where and I was aided by group called water world, so there was pitch battle, anyways they had gotten away, with it, been tracking where they we're at, been after them ever sense, making sure they don't do it again.