Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #165390  by John
Iceman has passed his jedi trial.
Keep up the good work.
 #165392  by Primordial
Congratulations, Ice-boy ;)

Very proud of you, well done on this.
 #165394  by g0dchris
Congratulations Icy!! ( :
 #165395  by Iceman
Thank you John, for taking the time to do my Jedi trials.

Thank you Prim for working with me, and all the other members that spend their time teaching us. We all appreciate it.

:arrow: I'm a Jedi. like my father before me.
 #165399  by Fluffy
Congrats!! Iced that trial.
 #165401  by EvilTree
 #165404  by Sam
 #165406  by Sakito
Eyyyyyyyy!!! Good job
 #165407  by Iceman
Thank you to everyone for you support...
 #165422  by Atsila
 #165424  by Elsecaller
Nice Job, Ice!
 #165474  by Glenhal
Congratz buddy, don't give up
 #165479  by Samurai X
Nice one Bro!