Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #163216  by MysticalPotato
It's passed the 4 week period and that can only mean one thing: I hereby dub thee Adept.

¡Congratz paddy!

 #163217  by Ted
Congrats GranPaddy!
 #163222  by Primordial
Chris!!!! <33 Congratulations!!!!! Well done :)
 #163227  by John
Good work!

~updated stuff~
 #163232  by Sakito
 #163234  by EvilTree
congrats Chris! :)
 #163235  by Charm
Long overdue. Congratz Chris! <3
 #163238  by g0dchris
Thank you very much, friends!<3
 #163245  by Lurch
I just got home from work and what do I see? My friend Chris is now Adept. :) many congrats Chris. Well deserved and I'm happy for you. :)