Alright, so I've been trying to think of some ideas of ways I can play the campaign that might make it interesting enough to playthrough again. Here's a few things I've thought of myself:
- Pacifist Campaign - Not allowed to kill any enemies, except those required in order to progress. (key carriers, bosses, etc)
- Dark Campaign - Not allowed to use light-side Force powers. (this includes Heal)
- Silent Campaign - Do not allow enemies to fire blasters, where possible. (Some instances are impossible to prevent, such as scripted blaster-fire or enemies pre-alerted to your position)
- No Force Campaign - Not allowed to use any Force powers (besides Jump), except where required to progress.
- Rosh Campaign - Rosh accompanies you on every mission via the command npc spawn rosh-penin oof. If he dies, spawn a new one. If he gets stuck or he can't reach the next area of the mission, kill him with npc kill oof and spawn a new one. For a harder mode, you can make it a requirement that he never dies, and if he does, then you must restart the mission.
- OP Campaign - Run the command setforceall 100; setsaberall 100 at the beginning of every mission. This is not a challenge, but rather more of a playground. Make sure to run the command setforceall 1; setsaberall 1 before each mission ends, or it will be impossible to start the next mission.
The point of this forum post is that I'm trying to figure out more cool ways I can make the campaign more interesting for someone who's already played it dozens of times. If anyone has any more ideas for rules or cool scenarios, please let me know!
- Pacifist Campaign - Not allowed to kill any enemies, except those required in order to progress. (key carriers, bosses, etc)
- Dark Campaign - Not allowed to use light-side Force powers. (this includes Heal)
- Silent Campaign - Do not allow enemies to fire blasters, where possible. (Some instances are impossible to prevent, such as scripted blaster-fire or enemies pre-alerted to your position)
- No Force Campaign - Not allowed to use any Force powers (besides Jump), except where required to progress.
- Rosh Campaign - Rosh accompanies you on every mission via the command npc spawn rosh-penin oof. If he dies, spawn a new one. If he gets stuck or he can't reach the next area of the mission, kill him with npc kill oof and spawn a new one. For a harder mode, you can make it a requirement that he never dies, and if he does, then you must restart the mission.
- OP Campaign - Run the command setforceall 100; setsaberall 100 at the beginning of every mission. This is not a challenge, but rather more of a playground. Make sure to run the command setforceall 1; setsaberall 1 before each mission ends, or it will be impossible to start the next mission.
The point of this forum post is that I'm trying to figure out more cool ways I can make the campaign more interesting for someone who's already played it dozens of times. If anyone has any more ideas for rules or cool scenarios, please let me know!