Want to request an Alliance with KR? Please make an application within.
 #160912  by [NGN]CastielFett
Clans full name: New Generation Ninja

Clan tags: [NGN]

Clan age (approx): 2004-2009; 2017-

Clan leader(s) or appropiate representitives: NinjaGenius, Supra, Toasty, and myself.

Form of contact (website / email address): thengnclan.com

Clans website: thengnclan.com

Member count (exact amount): 31

Server IP: SP Server: ngn.jk3.in
MP Server: ngn2.jk3.in

A few words explaining why you want to form an alliance with KR: Everyone that I, and other members, have met have been very friendly and fun to hang around. With this, I think that any future events that we'd have would be very fun and everyone would have a good time participating in them. Been around the server a bit and it seems like a really chill place to hang out, kinda similar to how we like it ;)
 #160939  by Key
Hey CastielFett, we will get back to you soon!
 #160947  by Key
Sorry, KR is not looking toward accepting any alliances at this time!

If you have any questions you can send me a private message.