Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #158682  by Jawa
Steak has successfully passed his Jedi trial good luck with the training onwards!
 #158685  by Charm
Well done steaky. Proud of ya!
 #158687  by Mike
Well done Steaky <3
 #158688  by Ted
Well done steak
 #158689  by g0dchris
Wow...so many steak puns! Shame on you! :)

Well done steak! Altough the steaks were very high, you did it without mis-steaks!
 #158690  by R4gnar
I hate when my steak is well done... It's not rare to see this steak succeed... :D Congrats breh!
 #158691  by Falcon
I'm sorry this promotion is not valid. It has not been three weeks since Steak has become a Padawan, and Charm (Steak's master) has not given his approval for Steak to take the trial.

Once these two requirements are met I will unlock this and update permissions.

For now, ~locked
 #158737  by cf.Steak
Thank you!! I appreciate it so much.

Hope these steak puns don't get too tough to to keep up.
 #158739  by Sakito
 #158740  by g0dchris
Congratulations steak! ( :
 #158745  by Ted
 #158747  by Yato
Congratulation and well deserve! :)