Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!
 #137850  by Key
This is a clan map that me and Zab put together. The whole project started from something much much different than what you see here... in fact, it took almost 3 years to get what we have now. I did most of the artistic and architectural work, Zab handled much of the technicalities and entity management.

So without further ado, I present to you,

-[ KR REALM ]-

- Many areas for exploring
- Recreational purposes
- TDM purposes
- KR Temple
- Secrets
- Custom shaders, skyboxes, textures, etc.

- Heritage Room
- More secrets
- Additional "Realm"

Current Build Issues
- One of our skyboxes accidentally omitted light, it'll be fixed in the next update
- Heritage room is not yet complete, there was too much work for our time table
- Water shader may be wonky for some people

Click here!

 #137852  by Jammer
now to watch my slow internet dl it :)
P.S. good work on it I'm sure its great with all the time you 2 have spent on it.
 #153469  by MasterM
HolyWarrior wrote: Why isn't this on KR2 server rotation?
It's used for events and whatnot. And there was a lot of discussion about it being on the regular rotation in the KR suggestion box topic. I forget the exact arguments, but basically it was thought that we should keep the standard ffa3 map so that people could use it easily for testing/trials etc.
 #158724  by Mike
Hmm I downloaded this map, but I hasn't shown up in my game menu at all. (I have put the pk3 in my base folder)
 #158726  by Rogue
Mike, since you've mention that you already placed in base folder. If you going to solo, did the map names show up in the list?

Other alternative way is you can click on pk3 which will be map_krrealm.pk3 then you will see the outline of folders and so on. Click on the 'maps' folder. then you'll see the bsp, that is the map name. While If you're in jka game, you can type command whether you like cheat or not /devmap <map name> or /map <map name>. And it should take you there. KR2 already have that map, so you can switch to there as well.
 #158727  by Mike
Yep doesn't show in solo Rogue, but I'll try bsp!
 #158771  by Key
yeah sorry about that, i don't think we remembered to create a map entry ... the publishing was very last minute and after it was done i barely wanted to touch it ever again. You have to load it with the console unfortunately.