Who's at what rank?
 #155652  by Lianna
Time for me to stop being rusty! Requesting a master pleeeeeeeeeease... :)

- Single saber
- I'm available late evenings on Friday and Saturday (Saturdays tend to be later due to WoW raiding that ends at 9:30pm CDT .. so free afterwards... also I work 3rd shift so I tend to be up all night on my nights off, so if you can be on with me, even better :) )
 #155705  by MetaDragoon
knights have first dibs please speak up

MrNebula117 (Single) (1)
Jack Skywalker (Single) (1)
Squidlord (Single) (1)
CoOco (Single) (1)
HolyWarrior (Single) (1)
Rick (Single) (1)
Exiled (Single) (1)
Ted (Single) (1)
 #155721  by Lianna
I've sent a PM to all of these Knights you listed, Meta ... hopefully one of them will respond to either the PM or on here. :)
 #155723  by Jack Skywalker
Alright, I come to announce that the world is real I can be your master if we can find a time to train.
 #155749  by Lianna
Thanks for the response Jack.

HolyWarrior also responded to me in private and offered, but since your response was before his, to be fair, I accept your offer. :) With the council's blessing of course.

My schedule is pretty much like I listed above. I can be online on Fridays and Saturdays generally all night past 6-7pm central time (after 9:30pm on Saturday due to WoW raid).... all other times I get on are pretty random, such as early mornings after I get home from work or sometimes in the evening before I go to work if I wake up early enough.

Let me know what works for you on here or in private and I hope to see you soon!
 #155771  by Key
before I approve I'd actually like to have Jack state that these times will work for him or that he's confident of the time commitment
 #155859  by Samurai X
Remember that time is relative.

 #155938  by Key

Get to work, guys!