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 #15300  by ShrunkenCheese
and what was that supposed to do?

 #15302  by ShrunkenCheese
yea still doesn't help all that much...

 #15304  by ShrunkenCheese
umm. no

 #15305  by Soulreaper
wow... r u that sad as in depressed

 #15306  by ShrunkenCheese
yes, and I actually just thought I heard Mara meow behind me and I spun around really fast to find nothing there =(

 #15308  by Hime
take it easy on there
learn that life is precious to everyone of us....
hope you know how important life is

I have a cat too....I know how that feels
I am sorry but you have to more on

 #15310  by saunby
Yea, cheese, I had a cat that was fun over not long after I got it, it was pretty heartbreaking so I can imagine that after 14 years you're going to be pretty upset, so just take it easy man, try not to worry about it too much and stay strong :)

 #15329  by Hosh-pak
our cat is a real family member and i can imagine that it can be really hard if you lose it,
and soul.. very gamy what you said.. be happy that cheese reacted that way, could imagine that this could also have ended different.. ;)

 #15349  by Panther
Really sorry to hear that cheese=( Hope you are ok. xx

 #15381  by Chantelle
Wow I am really sorry for your loss..

I think we often undervalue the company and compassion we have with our pets.

When you have a pet cat or dog, all they offer you is company compassion and love.. it is really horrible to lose one.

 #15383  by Soulreaper
ya it i sad man but just dont get to depressed u could turn emo 0.o

 #15386  by Chantelle
I am sorry but is that really helpful? Can you not see he is upset? Greiving is a natural thing.

 #15388  by Soulreaper
eh if u read perviously im not good at cheering people up

 #15391  by FlapJack23
If you aren't good then don't try.

That's just horrible man. My cat beats me up when I look at it, and I would be crushed if he died.

 #15396  by NinjaSarah
:( poor shikamaru *hugs*

 #15437  by SilverCloud
<3 teh kitties

wishing you the best, dear

 #15508  by ShrunkenCheese
thanks guys.
 #15829  by Kikyo
Shikmaru that is so sad it makes me cry really....Also i cant bear seing cats die it makes me heartbroken....I am so sorry that your cat died.....Poor kitty so sorry.....

 #16142  by Guardian.old
I feel for you shik my dog died not too long aga he was only nine months old. He got run over by a lorry outside my house