Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #145949  by Jawa
I'm not good with names

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for BalefulIra

Trialer : Jawa
Assistant : Uscari

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Jawa)
2. Won --(Uscari)
3. Won --(Jawa)
4. Lost --(Uscari)
5. Won --(Jawa)
6. Won --(Uscari)
7. Won --(Jawa)
8. Won --(Uscari)
9. Lost --(Jawa)
10. Lost --(Uscari)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Awesome job Baleful really well done! and we also have a new Guardian.... Guardian! Congrats to you both!
 #145950  by Uscari
Great job Man! Congrats to Guardian as well!
 #145957  by Lurch
Congrats to ya both. well done.
 #145985  by Pantheon
thank you all but Guardian deserves all of the credit xD for teaching me so well
 #145993  by R4gnar
Wow, congrats!
 #145997  by Key
great job, bale
 #146230  by Wolferion
About time I investigate just how this happened >=D Congratulations ^^