Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #144153  by Lurch
If anyone has Windows 8.1, can you please tell me how to put a pic up for my avatar Batfrog made a great pic of my game character and even when I type in the URL for it, it doesn't appear as my avatar. Instead what shows is an X and says User Avatar . But NO pic. I even tried different pixel sizes. No luck. The pic itself is 800x600 and the requirement is no more than 150x150. Maybe that's the problem, Idk. Batfrog has windows 7 and apparently its a bit different from my 8.1. Any help would be appreciated. Ty in advance.
 #144155  by Key
are you talking about the windows-user avatar picture or the forums avatar picture?
 #144158  by Lurch
Frog took a screenshot of my character in the game. He then added KR Lurch to it and sent it via PM to me. He gave me instructions to make it my avatar but it doesn't show. And its for the Forums avatar.
 #144161  by Key
are you using the url to the webpage or the url to the image?: post the link he gave you here
 #144170  by Lurch
I am using the URL to the image itself. Since it doesn't work with the avatar I decided to make it my sig instead. Still doesn't work. Here is the URL. If it won't go to avatar then maybe my sig. I will come up with something else for the avatar later.
 #144171  by Dopie
Hey Lurch, saw your thread and just thought I'd whip up something --

It should meet the size requirements, if you wanna use it :)

 #144176  by Lurch
yes ty that will be fine. That's the skin Key made for me 3 years ago. lol many thanks
 #144179  by Lurch
Nope didn't work either. Tried it at 150x150 pixels then 100x100. No go. I give up. I'll just leave them blank I guess. I'm no computer technical wiz obviously. Isn't anything ever EASY? UGH
 #144182  by Dopie
Lurch wrote:Nope didn't work either. Tried it at 150x150 pixels then 100x100. No go. I give up. I'll just leave them blank I guess. I'm no computer technical wiz obviously. Isn't anything ever EASY? UGH
Hey bro, I got you.

Check these steps below, and we'll get you squared away:

Step 1:
Take your cursor to the upper-right hand corner, where the "Welcome,..." is, and click the drop-down and hit "Profile"

Step 2:
Click "Edit Avatar"

Step 3:
Paste in the URL that I provided for the avatar, or any other avatar.

Step 4:
Success! :D

Hopefully this helps.
 #144183  by Rogue
Yup, what Dopie said with a step-to-step is how you get avatar :) I had one of my avatar, and my sig :)
 #144184  by Gollum
If you're doing your signature too, that requires [img]and[/img] tags. example: [img]linkgoeshere[/img]
You only need to add those to your sig though, avatar should just have the link pasted.
 #144185  by Lurch
That's exactly what I did before. still didn't work. Go figure. Maybe there is something in my computer settings I need to change. Idk.
 #144187  by Dopie
Lurch wrote:That's exactly what I did before. still didn't work. Go figure. Maybe there is something in my computer settings I need to change. Idk.
After you hit "Submit" or whatever the button says to accept your new avatar, do you receive an error message of any sorts?

Can you take a screenshot of the page, using your print screen key, or use the Snipping Tool inside of Windows, and upload your screenshot to, and let us see what happens?

If all else fails, I do believe the phpBB Admin Console does allow Admin's to add/edit a users avatar and signature, and pending how busy they are/how frequently you change yours, this MAY not be a problem to do? :P
 #144188  by Lurch
Put the URL in exactly like Gollum said then got a message saying not possible to determine the size of the image.
 #144193  by Lurch
Nope Batfrog that didn't work either for either the sig or avatar. I'm done with this but at least others can see what I was TRYING to put in. thx anyway all. Just like with getting UU to work with windows 8, I call it ain't happening.
 #144211  by Key
I think there may be something wrong with your account's permissions, but I can't be certain since I don't have the ability to view it. You'll have to personally ask another council member unless they see this post and are able to check.