Ok this might be a long post because i actually do have time.
Ok Sidious...
I didn’t feel that I truthfully wanted to post here cause it was saving me embarrassment on behalf of what you called me and said to me!
But now the truth shall come out!
1. Sidious wrote:I’m not breaking the rules
Phoenix wrote:
(2):Swearing is not allowed on the server.
(3):Spamming is not allowed.
(6):Provoking any players on the server is prohibited and will result in an applicable punishment.
(Spamming): Chatting the same message over, and over again, or posting on nonsense.
Well interesting Sidious.... In just one thing i can think of you broke not 1 not 2 but 3 rule...
Calling someone
GAY would be
1. swearing/ being sexist
2. saying it reputedly to me would be spamming
3. you continued after at least 5 warnings. One warning and i could have automatically silenced you, yet being the nice person i am decided not to.
4. Calling someone
GAY is harassment/ a hate crime.
Sidious wrote:when you tell me to stop I stop
Another interesting thing...I believe as I just said I had given you 5 WARNINGS!!!! but yet...you continued on calling me sexual terms/ being perverted.
Also the fact that you had said something about Delev, and how u don’t speak retard…its funny u used almost the same line on me…
Sidious wrote: Sorry I’m not fluent in Gay.
Sidious wrote: Sorry I’m not gay like you
Many more varieties you said this.
Sidious wrote: I don’t lame
Interesting yet again...I believe I’ve warned you multiple times NOT TO LAME.... And again...you dont listen.
Phoenix wrote:
(1):Laming is not allowed. Laming is the attacking a player who has their saber down, or their chat up. Melee counts as a saber.
I believe you understand....
this is the process that I went through for SEVERAL days with you
Phoenix wrote: (1st violation):Verbal Warning
(2nd violation): Verbal warning and slap.
(3rd violation): Verbal warning and sleep.
I was accused by YOU that i was admin abusing... i was being stupid and warned you 3 different times then finally used admin...i was being nice and not following that part of the protocol. Only because i found you as a friend...and felt like giving you a chance.... But you can only give so much.
Phoenix wrote: (4rd violation): Appropriate admin actions taken hereafter (Further sleeping, kick and ban etc).
I never kicked you up until the past few days, but I could have due to protocol.
You and magma were on the server several days ago...and i believe pho has already checked the logs if not i will give him exact times cause my KT recorded those EXACT times.
I warned you and magma about saying the racist word
and I quote
Sidious wrote: "You nig--- brother Magma"
(I edited this due to the fact I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.)
I believe that the word "Nig---" would be a profanity... and as Raven had told me I should have automatically silenced you for this. Saying ANY AND ALL racist comments is NOT TOLERATED IN KR... You were once part of KR and fully are aware of the rules Sidious. I don’t think I needed to keep telling you to stop... and again I warned you 3 times before taking action. (Stupid me as Usual)
Sidious wrote: But the other day he was laming and flaming and I just wanted to get him back not by laming or cussing but by just annoying him and that’s it. I wasn’t on a mission to get any of the KR members just that mumble guy.
Sidious I was on that day… He didn’t do a thing, I’ve been watching everyone that comes on to KR lately, seeing we have had many other complaints going on.
Phoenix wrote: The bottom line is, you directly insulted one of our members
Pho I hope you don’t mind me changing this a little bit… But you actually directly insulted 2 if not more clan members. Let alone several complaints I got from outside people. (Sorry Pho I completely forgot about screens as usual…)
SilverCloud has helped edit this post and believes Kakashi is in the right… Wow, typing in 3rd person is fun ^^
Id like to say that I was one of the main reasons you got banned because I finally said something and had Enough of your mouth, insults, laming, and violence.
I truthfully feel no need to go any further but will if need be. If you EVER and I mean EVER mess with any of my fellow KR’s there will be very harsh consequences. I don’t care anymore what u called me but when you’re talking about my KR family as u have like Raven, and Silvercloud I become part of this more than ever.
Thank you for all your time those that read this..
Silver will probably post later to clarify that it was not me who did the above post that she made!
Jingle bells, Twilight smells, Edward ran away. Bella Dies, Jacob Cries. Star Wars all the WAY!