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 #142009  by Pantheon
<White Void>

I ran, as the cold raindrops relentlessly fell. Sliding down my face, soaking up my raincoat. Making it heavier as each raindrop falls on me. Not too long after vigorously sprinting as far as my legs could take me, I fell.

I fell on a sturdy, gravel filled concrete. Surprisingly there was no pain, but the weight of the tear drops were too heavy for me to carry on further. I just knelt there, not knowing what to do as I wept tears, scream from the pain.
Suddenly I saw nothing but a pitch black darkness all around me, I panicked and started to run across changing directions every moment. I don't know how far I ran, if I even moved. Everything looks the same in this deep abyss. By each step I took, I left behind a piece of my sanity. My knees collabsing, decsending onto the cold floor. Abandoning my hope, faith and will.

"I wish I could just drop dead..." I whispered as I have lost my voice. Uncontrollably shaking in fear. Yet not being afraid... Leaving behind my last piece of humanity; My emotions. I just stood there, aimlessly. It was then, that I noticed that the ground beneath my feet was not solid. It was a very thick liquid that started to sink me down. Dragging me down, devouring me. "So be it. I have nothing to lose, nothing to gain. Now i can be at peace..." ive shouted as the never-ending tears poured down my cheecks. At this point I was completly swallowed up. All of the traces of my existence were erased. Nobody would miss me, nobody would weep over me. I have lost everything, including my own identity. My memories were decomposing as my consciousness faded. But there was this one luminous smile, I was just unable to forget.

Suddenly everything around me became white. I could'nt move. But slowly, the dazzling light started to move, and another light would take its place. Everything was so blurry that I had no idea what was going on, but I thought to myself that this must be the so called "Afterlife." Or so I thought until I have heard voices speaking words I was unable to reconstruct from dizzines. *BANG* - *BANG*. The rough yet calm echoing noise kept repeating. As if something was crashing through walls or doors. It was at this moment, I realized that it was not the lights that were moving. But me. I panicked and tried to break free, but I could'nt feel my legs and barely move my left arm at all. I reached out with my right arm, the only arm that could move even though I barely had any strength to do so.
Something grasped my hand. I tried to move my head to see what it was. I could'nt see well because of the bright lights burning my iris to a high degree. All I was able to make out was that it was a humanoid figure who held my hand. All I could hear was "Everything is going to be all right, just stay calm and don't move." I became a bit more calm as this has assured me that those were not voices in my heads, not the cries of the damned. But a surgeon at a hospital. My eyelids became heavier by every light passing through. At some point I must have fallen asleep.

<I open my eyes. Everything is pitch black except a small radius around me, which is in contradiction completly white.As much as I was confused, I was mortified. It was so quiet and lonely I could hear my own blood flowing through my veins.Upon hearing my own blood flowing, I started to desperately scratching my wrists. Losing my sanity rapidly, wides covered in pure terror. I no longer knew what was going on. I tried screaming, calling for help. But the instant I tried my voice had betrayed me. My face struck with anxety, unable to move. Slowly narroving my vision, the once a white area, was now black. As I collabsed on the floor, I reached out with my hand. There was nobody there. "Yeah, I forgot..." I mumbled to myself. I am destroyed beyond repair, corrupted to the core, I am the forsaken child of abyss.Not long after lying on the cold surface, not being able to see anything. I suddenly felt a huge pain in my chest. This agonizing feeling made me treble as it pinned me to the ground. It was as if I was impaled, but that would be absurd. Until i felt something being pulled out of my back, and then getting stabbed again, again and over again. I lost my senses. I could no longer... hear my blood flow.>

I opened my eyes from a shock, the pain still lingering. I tried to scream but in vain. Horrified of what I have seen and felt, I grabbed my hair and started to pull it, but ineffectively. I could move only one of my arms. And that is when i noticed that I was back. In the white room, sterile as ever. But, I always kept asking myself "What is the colour of lies?" and always replied to myself "White". I started to twist my neck and roll my eyes, attempting to look around. There were a lot of big machines that kept imitating the rhythm of my pulse. I tried to look around even further but other from the machinery, the room was empty. Just as expected I thought to myself. "No one will miss me, no one will cry-" I was unable to finish the sentence for an unknown reason. I just suddenly lost all of my voice, stuck halfway saying out the sentence. I was paralized from the shock.

Suddenly I heard a doorknob open. It was a nurse carrying a small booklet. Probably my files. The nurse greeted me as she was entering the room and stood beside me. For a while she seemd to be aloof, staring out of the window. Not long after, she made an eye contact with me. I became nervous, tense; Unable to respond or say anything. Just stared back without breaking eye contact.
The nurse broke the sound of silence first. She told me that I was in a car accident and have suffered heavy brain injuries and have many broken bones. Apparently it must have had been a miracle that I was able to survive in such critical state. Not long after the silence began to grow yet again. Nurse spoke to me about if I have any family. I just shook my head to sygnal 'no' instinctively. It was now, that I started sweating. "Why can't I talk?, What is going on?! What the fuck is going on!" were the only thoughts looping in my head. The nurse continued to ask me if I have any friends or anyone. I shook my head to sygnal 'yes'. She gave me a piece of paper and a pen to write with. Since the only hand I was able to move was my right one. I was barely able to write down the details as a left handed person. I just wrote "(name and address)" I felt exhausted just by writing this out. I collabsed yet again.

I woke up, crying again. I used my right arm to wipe my tears and thats when I noticed someone sleeping on my bed. Sitting there, probably fell asleep from exhaustion. There were marks of tears soaked up within the blanket. My eyes became wide open! It was ####! I mustered up all of my strength and placed my right arm on his head and started to pet him, as more tears rolled down my cheeks. I was unable to speak nor move my hand in a motion to pet him. I was just there, sitting, crying.

I was bored and wrote this, should i continue it? and what do you guys think. Thanks
 #142086  by Rogue
Nice story there, nothing can be worst like a raining cats and dogs! :D
 #142089  by Pantheon
the adjectives and stuff any feedback on that? this is a slight draft to help me improve on that because i always cut to the point and end up making a page worth into 2 lines :l
 #142092  by Rogue
Since you asked for my feedback, then I'm happy to oblige. I have no problems with adjectives. That means it's describes the color, face expressions, and sort of that, if I remembered correctly from a school. But other than that, I'll make a list below what's need to be fixed to help you out, and don't worry. You don't have to make the story perfect because nobody are perfect. I haven't read all, but I did read approximately 1, 2, or prehap 3 paragraphs. So I'll go ahead list it.

1) collabsing
2) cheecks ( don't you means check or cheek?)
3) completly (should be completely)
4) could'nt (should be couldn't)
5) dizzines (you forgot one more letter at the end of that word, add an 2nd 's'.)
6) anxety
7) treble
8 ) seemd (I don't know if this is a right way, or do you means by 'seemed')

*Keep in mind, profane language is not allowed on forum, that goes the same on the server, thought I let you know!*

That all I can give a feedbacks! Good story, but fearful! :)
 #142099  by Yama
Keep going, give me some context.
 #142100  by Pantheon
Yeah the spelling is off, couldn't perform spell check on it so yeah xD
Yama, i get only random sparks that ignite me xd i cant guarantee that i will be able to continue this one. But i will certainly post up any others that i come up with for practice, and then il move to making proper stories xd ops sorry for the language though xD didnt noticed, tried censoring stuff but it seems i left out some