The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #137214  by Falcon
The KR clan has voted Lurch back in to the fold!

I've resent the welcome PM Lurch. Let me know if you have any questions :)

Welcome back!
 #137221  by John
Welcome back
 #137222  by Frog
Welcome back Lurch! great great great great great great to have you here! XD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 #137228  by EvilTree
welcome back!
 #137246  by Kirito
Welcome Lurch! Look forward to meeting you in game!
 #137270  by MasterM
Welcome back!
 #137282  by Yama
Welcome back mate. Great to have you.
 #137294  by Lurch
TY all very much. Its great to be back and I plan to remain. KR ROCKS!!!!!
 #137298  by Sakito
woah im late!!!! o_O sry my friend
Congratz and welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 #137319  by Lurch
Nah Sakito its never too late. Ty also. :mrgreen: :D :) 8)