If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #131199  by Sakito
Hello you guys.

I think most of you didn't see this coming. Also I think that some of you saw this coming too. The time has come for me to take my leave. It's been a very great experience being in this clan, meeting people and helping others do things. But it's not you guys, it's me. I think it's time for me to try out new things. I love you guys a lot. And I will never forget the times I had here.
To all my fellow clanmates and friends. I hope my decision here doesn't create too much of a sad moment. Just writing this is making me tear... :oops:
I may not be in KR anymore, but I hope you all will still show me the same love that you have been for my entire jka time.
I will never forget each and every one of you!!

~Love <3
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken
 #131200  by jawfin
You've obviously thought about this Saki so I won't attempt to dissuade you. Please take care with everything you do - and keep in touch, here and in-game when you can too <3
Love Jawfin
 #131202  by Falcon
I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you a fulfilling life! Come back and see us again some time :)
 #131203  by Mandalorian
Out of all the departures, yours really was one that I would not have expected. I hope to return one day to see you return one day, but until then, take care.
 #131204  by jawfin
I completely misunderstood sorry. I thought you meant "try out new things" involved real-life stuff, or another hobby/game - I didn't know it meant you leaving us for another clan! So it's good to still see you on server :)
 #131205  by Rogue
I going to miss you Master Saki :( <3 Cya, See you around
 #131207  by MysticalPotato
Well, that I didn't see it coming. I really hope you can come and visit us sometime. It's been a pleasure to know you and even more, learn quite a few things from you Saki, despite the fact I've only been a KR for less than a year I feel like you are all my family. Sad to see you go.

 #131209  by toon
take care saki, hope we'll still see you on the server some!
 #131210  by jawfin
Cartoon wrote:take care saki, hope we'll still see you on the server some!
lol, she never left the game or the server, she just left the clan she was playing it with!
 #131211  by toon
Jawfin wrote:
Cartoon wrote:take care saki, hope we'll still see you on the server some!
lol, she never left the game or the server, she just left the clan she was playing it with!
i know, i'm just saying i hope she will still visit our Server even if she's not a KR anymore
 #131212  by jawfin
Saki has been on and off all day today, and was just on 3 hours ago from this post now. She was on when I made that post about changing clans, sorry I thought that was obvious! That is how I know she had changed clans [again] as she was wearing their tags after making her leave post :P
Therefore, she has been on since leaving!
 #131228  by StarHunter
master! NOOO! resignation DENIED! :( take care saki... visit soem time.
 #131242  by Sakito
I'll be back, I always come back! Right now, this is the path I have chosen, theres no turning back for me now. I have chosen my current path as the Lady of Vengeance But I'll always, you will never count my infinity Love for you guys forever and ever. Take care, and I wish you all the best.

 #131248  by deathscyth
Hmm I am seeing something about this can't put my finger on it ohwell cya when you return saki and on server
 #131251  by MasterM
Well if that's what you want. See you around sometime saki. Sad to see you leave
 #131257  by Clank
Have fun where ever you go!
 #131268  by Key
take care of yourself, Saki :(
 #131292  by Jato
Farewell Okitas, take care.
 #131306  by Wolferion