The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #130917  by Falcon
Through thick and thin, right and wrong, there has been a KR member that has stood out among the rest. He came to our clan as a young upstart with desires to know everything there is to know about us. From the beginning he strived to make the server a fun place to be, and has always shown excellence in his adminning. He is truly a positive influence in our clan and we are so happy to be presenting him with a promotion to Arbiter.

I am of course speaking of the legendary Jato!

....what's that? He's already an Arbiter? Oh man they're giving that out to just anyone these days huh? Um...

I guess Clank is pretty cool too. Congratulations :)
 #130920  by jawfin
Now the server will be crashed like it's never been crashed before! Seat-belts everybody!!

Congrats Clank - nice work, well done, and well earnt :)
 #130921  by Zabuza

jk. Congrats Clank!
 #130923  by John
Congratz Clank! Well deserved!
 #130926  by Mandalorian
Congrats Stank! I mean, Clank! (Ugh, clank an arbiter, good thing I can't get on jedi academy now)
 #130932  by Clank
Wow!....just wow! But not as in doge wow (but maybe a little)
I am really surprised to read this, I just cant word it. This is beyond what I have ever hoped, just a year or so back when I was a guardian I never thought I would go any more than that, I thought that was my final destination, but to see myself getting so far from being that annoying little kid on the server (still am) to this point...ehh idk how to describe the feeling, I am still having a hard time believing I got this far
I am honored by the thought that I am actually entrusted with this rank, ;_; I will do my best!
I thank you all and especially Key for supporting me to overcome my demons. I enjoy every moment I spend within the company of you awesome people and I hope that there will be many more in the future!!
 #130934  by Key
congratulations Clenk
 #130935  by MasterM
Congrats buddy, you earned it
 #130936  by Zaluk
congrats clank
 #130947  by Jato
Lol! All your posts are belong to Jato.

Congratulations buddy it is well earned :) Welcome to the mass spaw... I mean ban ham... I mean RESPONSIBLE ADULT club :)

Now my master plan nears completion

 #130949  by Wolferion
Welcome between us folks, Clank. That said, we'll be watching you, carefully, devilishly >=D
 #130960  by Sakito
Congratz clank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knew you'd get this eventually =^_^=
 #130976  by Jawa
I kept telling you, you were right for this position Clank! congrats! truly well deserved!
 #130977  by CoOco
coooooooooongratulation my lil frieeeend <3 !!!! POO ON YOU