Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #126828  by jawfin
The masterlist has been playing up and wouldn't recognise our public server on port 29070. So I've set the port to 29071 and put a single bot on 29070 telling anyone who does connect (as they would have to be doing it by favourites as its not listed) to go to 29071. I'll swap it back when the 29070 server lists, that is, when a server at that port is recognised!
 #126892  by Jato
heathenism! Thx jaw
 #127025  by Rogue
Now the masterlist has showed KR1 and KR2. I has checked and saw it yesterday or 2 days ago.
 #127028  by Raz0r
Probably best in the long run to just use the single port, and ignore the stupid behavior of Raven's master server - use sv_master2 and all is well.
 #127037  by Falcon
If it shows up on the master list on the original port I'd like it back there please. Makes things like /connect work.
 #127044  by jawfin
Will do, I'll set it back next server reboot.
And great to see you on the forums again Raz0r, and I do have jkhub as my second server, have done for a long while :D

So note when this activates if you try for 29071 it'll ask for a password!
 #127715  by Lothar
I think we need a new excuse! Or simply to stop tipping coffee on the serv *Innocent whistle* ;-)