If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #126301  by Yomi Sho-Ryu-Ken
Time has come for me to leave this clan for good .

(MESSAGE ME ON SKYPE IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH) I will tell no lies. And the truth might sound a bit silly.

I may take some visits to the server if I can ....or if possible.

Final Conclusion on KR : I loved this clan so much but .....I'm having problems right now that I can't take it. 2nd of all I need to focus on school anyways.

Farewell everyone :(

Sorry if this was a bit or REALLY unexpected
 #126302  by jawfin
Awwww Yomi, I'm sorry to hear you're going. I hope you do well at school, and we'll catch on server too no doubt ;)
 #126303  by Jurell
Yomie the Homie, have fun freshman year dude, and good luck.
 #126304  by Difionex
Bye Yomi!!!! ;c
 #126305  by toon
take care yomi..
 #126306  by Rogue
Bye Yomi, it's sad to see you go :( You will be missed :)
 #126309  by Falcon
Sorry to hear that Yomi :( i hope everything is well in your life. Take care!
 #126310  by Sakito
This better not be cuz I punched you in the leg after raging....

Hope to see you on the server again bro
 #126313  by Key
bye bye Yomi :( I'll miss our conversations - hope I can see you on the server. Good luck with your schooling!
 #126316  by Jato
Take care Yomister!
 #126358  by Uscari
It's been good seeing you the times I did Yomi, you are mostly quiet but i think we can all tell there is a deligent and loyal member hidden behind those tags. Having said that, I'll miss sharing them with you. Take care and don't be nervous about high school, it's what you make it to be!