I usually sum up my points in the expectation that the reader could fill in the gaps. In the instances where this has not happened I will paint the full picture.
Firstly, the server is something we pay for, in actual money - and we pay more than most game servers so we can have a solid, high speed connection along with decent processing power, combined with instant support and strong anti-hacker measurements. The server is not an out-of-the-box game server, but a fully built operating system maintained by the KR Council which runs the server's executable (amongst other server related applications). This is also "paid" for indirectly by time, members who spend time making mods, customizing the maps and server settings, running games and events for visitors, making good relationships with other clans, and not to mention the significant time spent by one council member who is a computer programmer and has developed custom applications to help protect the server.
Now, the server is sovereign territory, it is not a subsidiary of any government, the
laws of any particular country don't apply - it is not a democracy where all members vote on decisions, the closest political structure would be a military junta. Any clan paying for its server has the inherent right to rule it however they see fit. For instance if it was the clan's policy to ban everyone as soon as they connect that would not be admin abuse as they have paid for the right to behave like that. Abuse is when a clan contradicts their own commitments to how the sovereignty is run.
The current policies of the KR server on banning are such: anyone found hacking, attempting to disrupt the server or other players on it, even cheating to an unreasonable level, is banned. From a sovereign point of view this could be considered sedition (its a stretch, but you get the gist) and for many countries this carries the death penalty (note that the country won't resurrect that person afterwards, unlike a ban being lifted). There is zero tolerance of this activity, and KR has the technology to ensure these types are blocked from coming on server.
Now the issue on hand, that of recruiting. As stated this paid-for sovereign state has a right to rule as however they please, and our view of recruiting likened to theft. In the instance of KoTp they targeted a new visitor, someone who didn't even have the chance to be met by KR. Unlike your assumption the KR server isn't run for the sole purpose of recruiting more KR, its principle purpose is to give everyone a place to play fairly and have fun, and
those visitors who are attracted to us are the ones we are obviously interested in joining with us. If they have no such interest then that's fine too - but that doesn't mean we are happy to have them stolen.
The case here is a clan leader doing the recruiting. From
here: -
As a leader your activities sets the pace, standard and acceptable action of your clan on other servers - therefore your actions have their repercussions felt throughout your clan. Honestly, if I as a leader came to your server and recruited, I'd surprised if you allowed any KR on after that.
So it can only be opined that it's KoTp policy to recruit on servers even when that server explicitly states in the MOTD "No recruiting" - the KoTp leaders get this
(1) (2), maybe they can explain it to you too. If not, let's just go with guilty by association - in my country if you associated with a murderer and was aware of the crime without actually participating in it, you personally would be tried for that murder too once caught - KR's policy is similar.
To fall back on the restaurant analogy; you've got your characters wrong. The Council are the managers and own the restaurant (bought and paid for), the KR admins and members are the staff, of varying levels of responsibility, and the visitors, including yourself, are the patrons. Just because a customer doesn't want to work for the restaurant doesn't mean we don't want them visiting or coming back. Anyone wrecking the joint (i.e. hackers) are immediately evicted and not allowed to return. Anyone handing out flyers for a competing restaurant (recruiters) are also immediately evicted. If that person happens to be the manager of that restaurant then none of their staff would be allowed in - how could you trust them?
i feel that, that after my full explanation that you still "don't get it" - but as this "admin complaint" is not an actual admin complaint I am now closing this topic.