Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #120148  by Zabuza
Trialer: Zabuza
Trial Assistant: Jawa
Trialee: Sakito
Trial: Second knights in staff


Lost against Zabuza
Won against Jawa
Won against Zabuza
Won against Jawa
Won against Zabuza
Won against Jawa
Won against Zabuza
Won against Jawa
Won against Zabuza
Won against Jawa

Final results: 5/5 ; 9/10

Congratulations to Sakito, our newest Staff Knight person clan member!

Edit: This is why I don't do Staff knight trials. ;_;
 #120198  by Jawa
Congrats Saki! ^^
 #120308  by jawfin
Gargoyle wrote:Why is it considered demoted? *confused*
Her rank is Master which is a couple of ranks higher than Knight, the trial of which she just passed. The reason is after attaining Master rank the member can then become a Master in another saber style (i.e. Single, Duals or Staff) and thus can take Padawan's of their second style. Any Master (and above) can decide what second saber they wish to master and ask to do a Knight's trail for it. From there they can be invited to Master rank of that second saber, all they need do is pass the Master's trial (hehe).

You can see in the Rosters those who are Master in 2 styles by both kinds being after their name in brackets.
 #120310  by Gargoyle
Jawfin wrote:
Gargoyle wrote:Why is it considered demoted? *confused*
Her rank is Master which is a couple of ranks higher than Knight, the trial of which she just passed. The reason is after attaining Master rank the member can then become a Master in another saber style (i.e. Single, Duals or Staff) and thus can take Padawan's of their second style. Any Master (and above) can decide what second saber they wish to master and ask to do a Knight's trail for it. From there they can be invited to Master rank of that second saber, all they need do is pass the Master's trial (hehe).

You can see in the Rosters those who are Master in 2 styles by both kinds being after their name in brackets.
o.o i see..
 #120336  by Sakito
Lol funniness =^_^=
And thank you all again XD
 #120357  by Lothar
Drat! I was hoping to outrank her again, oh well!

Gratz Saki :-)
 #120443  by Mandalorian
Sockquetoe in staff?! Another staff member who is active exists?! I am not alone in this world?! VICTORY!!! SPREAD THE WORD OF STAFF.
 #120507  by Sakito
Mandalorian wrote:Sockquetoe in staff?! Another staff member who is active exists?! I am not alone in this world?! VICTORY!!! SPREAD THE WORD OF STAFF.
lolz XD =^_^=