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Do you like the new forum?

Yes, I prefer it
Yes, I can get used to it
No preference
Hate it, I want the old one back
 #119086  by Phoenix
Hi guys,

As you've probably noticed, I've upgraded the forum. It was overdue an upgrade and I've finally got around to it. Please let me know your feedback, whether you like/don't like it, and more importantly if you spot anything that isn't working as expected.


 #119088  by Sakito
The forum looks so high tech Pho xD
 #119089  by Lothar
I like it. :-) Thanks Phoenix
 #119090  by Sakito
Phoenix, how do I make my sig show up? its not showing up.
 #119093  by Aventador
I like it! Not sure if its just me but my quoting wasnt working.
 #119094  by Tidus
This is some fancy stuff :O Idk where to go!!!
 #119095  by BadWolf

Sillyness aside, I could get used to it XD
 #119096  by Necros
This is really awesome! I definitely approve of this update :> Thanks a bunch Pho!
 #119097  by Tidus
Necros wrote:This is really awesome! I definitely approve of this update :> Thanks a bunch Pho!
Edit: Was checking the "Quote" button. It appears to be bwoke
 #119098  by Gollum
BadWolf wrote:Image

Sillyness aside, I could get used to it XD

Edit: Silly quote >.<.
 #119099  by Clank
Man it will take time to get used to this but it looks pretty nice

them memories :<
 #119100  by Phoenix
Hi guys, I will look into the quote issue and let you know :)
 #119102  by John
I miss the old one.
 #119103  by Akimoto
Could we please move the avatars/user info on the LEFT side?
 #119104  by Midgetathlete
Confused Midget is confused @-@ But I can adjust over time.
 #119105  by Clank
i agree with Aki its wierd to have profile info on the right
 #119107  by Phoenix
Fixed the issues with signatures and quoting. There was some special permissions on the "News" forum which restricted everything a bit too much.
 #119108  by Gollum
Akimoto wrote:Could we please move the avatars/user info on the LEFT side?
This would be helpful too =)

Thanks Pho <3
 #119109  by Phoenix
I can certainly move the avatars/profile info to the left if that's what everyone would prefer?
 #119112  by jawfin
I am used to change. I've gone through every Microsoft Windows OS, as well as a few DOS to boot too (funny pun right there) so change in itself doesn't concern me.

Profile not on the left for me is more than just getting used to change, I do check it first for the poster and their rank as I read left to right, so as Aki says, profile on the left is better.

Again as Aki said, stickies and locked topics do not stand out at all.

Note to everyone who mistook a wallpaper image for a sig, can you please resize it back to 450px wide? Although the forums will check new sigs created, it didn't retro validate all the existing ones.
 #119113  by MrNebula117
Will take a little bit to get used too, but so far i like it.
 #119116  by Clank
The last little icons that went yellow indicating a new post did quite well...cant we just use those?
 #119121  by Key
it's beautiful ;_; thanks pho! Like BW said, gonna take some getting used too. Are we gonna get our banner back though? Maybe it could be a slideshow of people having fun on the server? Idk what's possible and what isn't, just a suggestion.
 #119124  by AJ
The left would be great for avatars and such :P Other than that it's bright! :P
 #119135  by Darth Rage
this looks OUTSTANDING. i love it! :mrgreen: