I would like to address the issue of behaviour on the server to all KR members. Those that know they haven't caused any problems on the server should be able to work out that this post isn't for them- although this does not exempt you from reading it.
Both myself and my fellow council members have recieved quite a few reports about certain members behaviour towards other KR members as well as non-clan members also visiting the server.
The main problem is general name calling and insulting happening on the server, this has caused arguements and hate that should not be present on our server. Some people have even gone to the extent of calling each other 'faggots'. You should all know that we do not take disrespect to anyone lightly and if I hear anymore reports about this, you can't turn to me and say "you weren't warned". I've also heard reports of other people just joining the server and almost instantly getting themselves into an existing arguement on the server, even if it has nothing to do with them- this isn't an acceptable way of conducting yourself.
Remember guys, this is a game, you are supposed to enjoy it- falling out with other members/players is not fun for anyone.
I have spoken to a few members about their behaviour and I have often heard the excuse 'Sorry Pho, I was having a bad day'- let me make it clear now that I am no longer accepting this as an excuse for anyones behaviour on the server. If you are in a bad mood, or having a bad day, DO NOT come on the server if your mood will affect other players.
Many people are forgetting that rules are there for a reason and they must be upholded by all members playing on our server.
I want to also make it clear to people that if a council or arbiter asks you to do something- you do it. Obviously within reason. You all know that this clan is not lead by dictators. If you feel you have a problem with a particular council member or arbiter member, please talk to another council member and express your concerns.
Anyway, I hope that behaviour will improve and I won't be receiving anymore reports about members. If you wish to talk about what I have said in this post, please either reply to this topic or hit me up on msn.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this post, and most of all, make sure you have fun. It is a game afterall.
Both myself and my fellow council members have recieved quite a few reports about certain members behaviour towards other KR members as well as non-clan members also visiting the server.
The main problem is general name calling and insulting happening on the server, this has caused arguements and hate that should not be present on our server. Some people have even gone to the extent of calling each other 'faggots'. You should all know that we do not take disrespect to anyone lightly and if I hear anymore reports about this, you can't turn to me and say "you weren't warned". I've also heard reports of other people just joining the server and almost instantly getting themselves into an existing arguement on the server, even if it has nothing to do with them- this isn't an acceptable way of conducting yourself.
Remember guys, this is a game, you are supposed to enjoy it- falling out with other members/players is not fun for anyone.
I have spoken to a few members about their behaviour and I have often heard the excuse 'Sorry Pho, I was having a bad day'- let me make it clear now that I am no longer accepting this as an excuse for anyones behaviour on the server. If you are in a bad mood, or having a bad day, DO NOT come on the server if your mood will affect other players.
Many people are forgetting that rules are there for a reason and they must be upholded by all members playing on our server.
I want to also make it clear to people that if a council or arbiter asks you to do something- you do it. Obviously within reason. You all know that this clan is not lead by dictators. If you feel you have a problem with a particular council member or arbiter member, please talk to another council member and express your concerns.
Anyway, I hope that behaviour will improve and I won't be receiving anymore reports about members. If you wish to talk about what I have said in this post, please either reply to this topic or hit me up on msn.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this post, and most of all, make sure you have fun. It is a game afterall.
Last edited by Phoenix on Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.