Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #111667  by John
Knights Trial for Creed

Trialer: John
Assistant: Jawa


1. Lost
2. Won
3. Lost
4. Won
5. Lost


1. Won (John)
2. Won (Jawa)
3. Won
4. Won
5. Won
6. Won
7. Lost
8. Lost
9. Won
10. Won

Final result: Won 8/10 (1 vs 1) & Won 2/5 (2 vs 1)

Status: Passed

Congratulations to Creed our new Knight and good work Goddess our new Guardian!

~Roster updated~
Last edited by John on Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #111671  by Jawa
Woot way to go Creed excellent work today! :) and congrats to you too Goddess

 #111673  by Sakito
Congratz creed! And congrats goddess for making guardian :)

 #111675  by Lothar
Congrats :-)

 #111676  by Gollum
Congrats to both of you! :)

 #111678  by Mandalorian

 #111684  by Uscari
Congrats buddy. :D and also congrats to the new guardian! :)

 #111696  by Creed
Thank you everyone I'm so glad I made it to knight now. And goddess you did not train me much but you did start me off when I knew nothing, and I thank you for that. :)

 #111705  by Sentreth
WOO! Good work guys.

 #111707  by Aventador
Congrats guys :)

 #111712  by Lothar
Well done bud.

 #111726  by Goddess
Creed wrote:Thank you everyone I'm so glad I made it to knight now. And goddess you did not train me much but you did start me off when I knew nothing, and I thank you for that. :)
Yeah, sorry about that, didn't know I'd be this busy, glad you passed though :)

 #111740  by Jammer
Congratz Creed. I now come with some screenshots.

 #111777  by Jawa
Jammer wrote: Image
I love this screenshot the most ^^

 #111796  by Uscari

 #111804  by Clank
Jawa wrote:
Jammer wrote: Image
I love this screenshot the most ^^


 #111833  by Aventador
Wait is that an arrow?? Bows should be in this game....

 #111853  by Fraea
good job creed!

 #111953  by Typhlosion
good job creed :D

 #111971  by Wind
Congrats Creed! Very well done :)

 #111981  by Creed
Thank you everyone :)

 #112077  by TheDoctor
awesome creed congratumalations!