Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #103359  by Gollum
Hmmmmmm... The ears look kinda silly to me. But overall it is looking good.
Make sure you post link for download when your finished. Cuz I gotta know what the person that I'm killing looks like.

 #103360  by Mandalorian
I think I could do the texturing. I think. Not really sure how to texture out of the blue, I can do texture edits though.

 #103417  by BadWolf
Small update, I added more detail to the head and shoulder areas.


Also managed to finally get it working in-game (had an issue with some missing bones lulz).


These are just preliminary shots, the textures still need to be mapped out. Not entirely sure if I am happy with it atm lol.

 #103420  by Lothar

 #103451  by Key

 #103469  by Wind
Key wrote:Good.

 #103551  by Nug
Dude thats looking good! Gotta hit me up with the model when you done!

 #106493  by Jawa
This model looks really amazing keep it up I'm dying to see the final version! :D

 #107306  by BadWolf
Been a while since I updated this, here are some more progress shots:


These are the basic textures, almost done.


And here is an alternate color scheme, a white Shadow Beast {it was Aeddan's idea, it may have red eyes instead of yellow}

Hopefully I will get off my lazy butt and finish these textures so it can be added to the next skin pack update :)

I am also planning on including NPC spawns with this, it would be awesome to see this guy as aggressive as Desann but attacking like a wampa XD

Wait till you hear his sounds >:D

 #107314  by Jato
Looks awesome, nia maybeh scorpionz? : P

 #107325  by Mandalorian
I feel the white version should have blood marks on it :o

 #107331  by LumberWolf
Mandalorian wrote:I feel the white version should have blood marks on it :o

Indeed. That's a good idea mand.

 #107333  by Key
I think the white version also needs like a little tie or something. Nothing too fancy, just enough to be casual, professional, and menacing. Kind of like Latino Pop music.

 #107365  by Mandalorian
Key wrote:I think the white version also needs like a little tie or something. Nothing too fancy, just enough to be casual, professional, and menacing. Kind of like Latino Pop music.
If you are going to give it a tie, then it also needs a suit. Give it a suit. A suit with a top hat.

 #107370  by BadWolf
Now you guys are just being silly ><

 #107378  by Jato
Jato wrote: nia maybeh scorpionz? : P