Unsure of the rules? Look Here!
 #103102  by Falcon
Before a slight...um...mishap with the rules post, there was a post made that I am moving here:
Bazookapc wrote:
Fazz wrote:

Never attack a player on the ground. Always allow them to stand
up first before you start fighting again. This is the same for when
their saber is knocked out of their hand.
A). There is a built-in animation in JKA, as I am sure you people have already figured out, specifically made for attacking grounded people. Even as owners of your personal server, you cannot simply ban an animation that Raven intended to be used. That's just bad ethics.

Fazz wrote:Do not heal in FFA UNLESS your saber is off. (This rule can be
bent if only among KR Members)
Again, I can see where Force Drain is bad here (because it drains Force points AND health, but Force heal is harmless. This power, Heal, is the only thing that keeps new players alive in FF (or people like me who aren't really new to the Jedi Knight series and just plain suck at FF....I'm really the only vet who sucks at it).


Further suggestions on my part from now on will not have anything more to do with this particular section. Clan rules are your business. I find it merely my solemn duty to inform you of what others might see as a logical fallacy behind a policy.

Thank you and good day,


EDIT: I would like to extend my compliments to your clan on a very well-organized, well-run forum though. Not many can do that with Forumotion. :P
To your first point, "A", yes we can. KR members are not permitted to attack players on the ground. Using the logic that Raven programmed the game that way can then also be used towards laming. Raven allows unarmed players to be damaged, so we can't ban that right? Ya, we can.

When we said healing in an FFA, we mean all types of healing. You may note our server has force disabled, so it'll be difficult for one to use Force Drain or Force Heal.

 #103114  by Zabuza
Herp derp.

 #103185  by Bazookapc
Yes, so all types of healing....if you have no Force, are you just referring to KR members with empower/allpowerful (not sure what the JKA equivalent of unlimited Force is)?

Otherwise, that kind of makes that rule unnecessary. :/

 #103187  by Fazz
It is basically saying:

"If you are in a FFA, then don't run and get a health pack when you are low on health."

 #104429  by Bazookapc
I double dog dare you to delete all health and shield items off KR1. ^_^

Conformity ftw! <3

EDIT: Post Scriptum - I made the dog joke off my avatar. It's 4:30A.M. here so I wouldn't expect many people to get my humor when 'tis made at darkman's hour. :/

 #104455  by Tricky
i could run people over with my car, if i wanted. the manufacturer's certainly didn't remove that capability. but i don't. nor does majority of society. rules are here to enforce things that can't be enforced by other means. if we could remove the animation, i'm sure we would. if we could make it so people had to play by the rules, we would. but we can't. so we have rules, and we have common courtesy. please respect both.