Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #102390  by Midgetathlete
There's currently 3 that I know of on the server at this time: R, Jaded, and Herrdoctor. All three have lamed half the people on the server and flame whoever confronts them, can someone please contain this madness?

 #102394  by Clank
Hey Midget if you ever get again in this kind of situations of lamers and no admin on and if you have skype or Xfire you can contact me

Xfire: alex25390
Skype : alexjuric

 #102395  by Zabuza
-Moved to Server News

 #102402  by MetaDragoon
my skype is metadragoon13

 #102475  by Midgetathlete
Having to bump this, because the server is having the same problem, and no one's answering their skype :L

 #102498  by deathscyth
message me aswell