The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #102037  by Falcon

Yup, Gollum has been voted into the Knights Reborn family!

Gollum please check your PM box and ---->this<---- when you get a chance :)

Everyone please welcome our newest member!

~Ranks, rosters, tree, permissions updated~

 #102040  by Tidus
Congrats Gollum! Welcome <3

 #102041  by John

 #102043  by Fazz

 #102044  by Zabuza
Welcome gollum and smeagol!

 #102047  by quickflint
Congrats Gollum!! :D

 #102048  by Gollum
Thank you for voting me in. It is indeed a honor to be a part of the KR family. :D

 #102051  by Sentreth
Congrats man.

 #102056  by Lothar
Welcome to knight's reborn Gollum :-)

 #102059  by Clank
Welcome aboard/to the madness

 #102064  by Sakito
Congratz Gollum (:

 #102065  by Wind
Grats! :3 Welcome to the fold ;)

 #102066  by Zabuza
Be sure to make a request for a master here so you can begin your journey!

 #102069  by Necros
Welcome to the family.


 #102070  by Seeker
Welcome! :D
Necros wrote:Allons-y!

 #102074  by MetaDragoon

 #102078  by fall
gratz :)

 #102098  by TheDoctor
welcome man very happy to have you part of the clan :D

 #102100  by LumberWolf

 #102107  by Jato

 #102200  by Darth Rage
Congrats my good friend :) give it up for Gollum! :D