The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #101550  by Falcon
Yes the KR clan has voted quickflint into the clan!

Flint please check this hur and your PM box when you get a chance :)

Also the Council has reinstated Aeddan's membership at the rank of Adept! Aeddan, I've sent you a PM as well.

Everyone please welcome our newest and returning members!

~Ranks, rosters, tree, permissions updated~

 #101555  by Sakito
Welcome Quick!! (: and welcome back aeddan!

 #101556  by John
Welcome to the party

 #101558  by Fazz
grats u2

 #101564  by Jato
Congrats to both of you

 #101572  by Lothar
Welcome to the clan, And thank you for my reinstatement it warms my heart with joy :-)

 #101576  by Tidus
congo rats

 #101588  by Alduin
Welcome, and Welcome back!

 #101602  by Clank
Hooray! congrats u 2
 #101748  by quickflint
Thank you guys :D!! I am so excited!!

 #101757  by Key
welcome and congratumalations

 #101758  by LumberWolf
Welcome! (Back)

 #101798  by Evan
ACK! I forgot to post this: Welcome and Welcome back my friends!

 #101818  by Clank
Evan wrote:ACK! I forgot to post this: Welcome and Welcome back my friends!
Too late and for that i will request for youre arms and legs to be removed

 #101821  by Sakito
Clank wrote: Too late and for that i will request for youre arms and legs to be removed
Lolz Clank.

 #101826  by Wind
Welcome guys, welcome :)

 #101921  by MetaDragoon
gratz both

 #101954  by fall
nice work :). glad to have a new memeber :)

 #102008  by MasterM
sorry I'm a bit late on this, haven't been online, but welcome and welcome back :o

 #102034  by Clank
MasterM wrote:sorry I'm a bit late on this, haven't been online, but welcome and welcome back :o
well im sorry for you too are late and ill have to request for youre limbs to be removed

and my head be cut of for overusing this joke