Post your signatures and avatars here.

 #100183  by Falcon
:o you're an elf?!?

Click Profile at the top of the page, go down to Signature, put in that link, and put tags around it, so it looks like this:
Code: Select all
And then click Submit at the bottom. Voilà!

 #100187  by Goddess
HAH i wish.

Thanks falcon :D

 #100190  by Goddess
another question, its about an avatar.
so the only way i can put one in is the link to off site avatar:
which won't let me after i put a link in.

 #100192  by Falcon
Make sure the link you are using is the link to a picture, not the website it's on. Also, make sure it is 150x150 or less

 #100193  by Goddess
hmm for only a 150x150 it sure seems big on my screen lol

oh nvm i fixed it XD thanks again falcon