Hey I'm gonna need a master to get this show on the road, I use single saber and I do not have anyone particular in mind. 

Fallen wrote:Hey I'm gonna need a master to get this show on the road
John wrote:Fallen wrote:Request for Cloud if its not too much of a hassle?
Fallen wrote:I honestly am just here to learn, anyone will doAs always knights, theDoctor, gets first pick. However, if he doesn't want to, I will.
Philosopher wrote:TheDoctor has a padawan. Its EvilTree.I wonder who's job that is <_< >_> .
Says nothing on the rosters but check Tree's master topic and you'll see. AJ posted approval.
*Edit* That rosters should really be updated :p[/img]
Jawfin wrote:Let there be a joining of Jarods.Jared*