Who's at what rank?
 #116558  by Fallen
Hey I'm gonna need a master to get this show on the road, I use single saber and I do not have anyone particular in mind. :D

 #116569  by Uscari
I think all the active single knights are taken, oooh maybe a guardian? Or wait for Lianna.

 #116571  by Fallen
Request for Cloud if its not too much of a hassle?
 #116572  by Aventador
Fallen wrote:Hey I'm gonna need a master to get this show on the road
Sorry but there is no show on this road... Jk :) Best of luck!

 #116580  by Mandalorian
Actually AirVent, I hear there is a traveling circus coming to town :o.

 #116596  by Clank
IMO i think its best you wait a bit to see if Lianna will do her knights one of these days so that way you take a knight

 #116618  by Uscari
Yeah only problem is Lianna's isn't as active as fallen, not exactly inactive, just occasional.

 #116720  by Fallen
I honestly am just here to learn, anyone will do :) if I must wait and see, so be it.

 #117039  by Zabuza
I am willing to take you, if no one else will.

I highly doubt Quickflint or Lianna will appear anytime soon. :P

 #117046  by Jato
Zabuza wrote:I am willing to take you, if no one else will.

I highly doubt Quickflint or Lianna will appear anytime soon. :P


 #117048  by Wind
Jato wrote:


 #117049  by John
Fallen wrote:Request for Cloud if its not too much of a hassle?

 #117050  by Zabuza
John wrote:
Fallen wrote:Request for Cloud if its not too much of a hassle?
Fallen wrote:I honestly am just here to learn, anyone will do :)
As always knights, theDoctor, gets first pick. However, if he doesn't want to, I will.

 #117086  by Uscari
TheDoctor has a padawan. Its EvilTree.
Says nothing on the rosters but check Tree's master topic and you'll see. AJ posted approval.

*Edit* That rosters should really be updated :p[/img]

 #117096  by Fallen
I will accept to Zab, I do not have an interest in a inactive teacher.

 #117110  by Uscari
Fallen wrote:I will accept to Zab, I do not have an interest in a inactive teacher.
Zabuza wrote:I am willing to take you, if no one else will.

I highly doubt Quickflint or Lianna will appear anytime soon. :P
GL you guys :)

*Very awesome to have a council as your master ^^*

 #117117  by Zabuza
Philosopher wrote:TheDoctor has a padawan. Its EvilTree.
Says nothing on the rosters but check Tree's master topic and you'll see. AJ posted approval.

*Edit* That rosters should really be updated :p[/img]
I wonder who's job that is <_< >_> .

Edit: Probably due to the fact that Tree was moved to the inactive list / off roster.

 #117124  by Uscari

 #117157  by Cloud
If nobody is available and you are still looking. i have 2 free slots available. and i am willing to train who ever :P

 #117158  by Cloud
whoops..didn't see you are probably taking zab. my mistake. lol all well any other padawans that read that. the offer still stands

 #117254  by Zabuza

Let the torture.... I mean training begin!

~Rosters and Family Tree updated~

 #117276  by Alduin

Good Luck you two!

 #117280  by Falcon
Zab's 16th Padawan :o


 #117286  by Zabuza
Jawfin wrote:Let there be a joining of Jarods.

I totally forgot about this... We shall rule the galaxy as father and son!