Who's gone up and who's gone down?


 #112483  by Zabuza
Trialer: Zabuza
Trial Assistant: Clank
Trialee: Water

___ Results___

Won against zab
Won against clank
Won against zab
won against clank
Won against zab
Won against clank
Won against zab
Won against clank
Won against zab
Won against clank

Final results: (2v1): 4/5 : (1v1): 10/10

I am glad to say it wasn't a perfect trial (:P). Congratulations to Water, our newest Jedi Knight, and also to Sakito as our newest Jedi Guardian!
Last edited by Zabuza on Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #112484  by Water
Thanks, and congrats to sakito for getting guardian!!!!!!!!!! WOOO

 #112485  by TheDoctor
congrats to both of you

 #112487  by Key
congratulations, guys.

 #112495  by Sakito
Congratz water!!!! I'm extremely proud of you =^_^=
And thanks everyone!

Edit: Screenies anyone?

 #112498  by Jammer
What not perfect come on :) jk. good job water a future paddy will learn lots from you and welcome to guardian club saki uve earned it.

 #112503  by Aventador
Congrats to the both of ya

 #112524  by Clank
best of lu...er congrats :D

 #112526  by BadWolf
As expected from Water, well done sir :)

 #112535  by Uscari
Great job both of you :)

 #112548  by Jawa
I was 99% expecting a perfect trial but oh well congrats Water :>

Edit: Oh yeah and to Saki for her guardian rank >.<!
Last edited by Jawa on Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #112553  by AJ

 #112572  by Yomi Sho-Ryu-Ken
Lolz I forgot to say congrats saki and congrats water again

 #113085  by Typhlosion
Water evolved to ocean...congratz :D

 #113093  by Goddess