Who's at what rank?
 #98097  by MetaDragoon
well as you know now i am a knight now and i would like to have a padawan. as i see now chasicus is a student now and if i am correct he wants to go single.

so the point is i am asking if chasicus will be my padawan

and if counsel and chasicus agrees

 #98111  by chasicusmaximus21
I Will Totally Be Your Padawan!

 #98122  by Fazz
*jumps in and steals the glory*


GL U2, have fun training.

 #98123  by MetaDragoon
ty very much and btw fazz we miss you on the server well i do but i bet the others do too lol

 #98125  by MetaDragoon
and btw you need to take off the (1) at the end of my name in the roster

 #98132  by Clank

 #98135  by jawfin
MetaDragoon wrote:and btw you need to take off the (1) at the end of my name in the roster
Did that, as well as fixing the family tree.

Congrats guys :)

 #98145  by MetaDragoon
ty jawfin

 #98164  by MasterM

 #98165  by MasterM

 #98173  by Key
have fun

 #98313  by Jato
gl guys!

 #98314  by deathscyth
finally meta gets a pad gl my frineds

 #98345  by Seeker
Have Fun!