Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #53497  by Falcon
I trialed Blacki today for his Jedi and I'm happy to say he passed, not necessarily with flying colors, but he did do well. So, congrats Blacki :)

~Rosters updated~

 #53501  by Darfin
Damn you Raven, been getting to all the permissions before me :evil:
Good job Blacki :)

 #53502  by Akimoto
GZ!! GJ! May the spoon be with you!

 #53514  by blacki
yep thx but not proub by my performance XD

 #53515  by Necros
Congrats mate :P

 #53519  by Taipan
dw blackie, i did very badly on my Jedi Trail

gz bud

 #53540  by Rugg
grats Bracki! :P

 #53545  by Delev
Congrats blacki :D

 #53551  by Phreedom
Congratz m8!

 #53570  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)

 #53593  by Ice
congradulations blacki. 1 down 2 to go with me :D Sry i wasnt there

 #53605  by Xuku

 #53619  by Sion
Congrats :)