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 #51830  by jawfin
Dear old Wolfie / Sirion / whateverothernameshehashad

A near original member of KR - who due to circumstances never had the chance to raise a paddy to knighthood - finally did so

Wolf has expended himself for the clan, running clannights and is always great fun on the server, and highly skilled to

So, its with great pride that the KR council welcomes Wolferion to the rank of Arbiter - Super congratuations buddy :)

 #51837  by Delev
Way to go wolf :wink:

 #51844  by Fazz
grats wolf =)

 #51849  by Sion
Congrats :D

 #51852  by Zabuza
congrats wolf :D

btw jaw, u mispelled his name :P

 #51857  by Eagle
Congrats wolf!

 #51859  by Greed
Gratz M8!

 #51877  by Falcon
Congratulations Wolf :) you've been waiting for this for a long time.

 #51880  by Phreedom

 #51881  by blacki
gongratz m8

 #51883  by Wolferion
*bows to everybody* Heh, you'll have to excuse me, I seem to be at loss for words, I owe everybody and those, who are no longer between us ( Lessa, Templar, Martin ... ), my deep thanks to all of you . Now, as I stand here, it's time to stand my ground at best, lock&load!

 #51889  by Laika
GGrrrrrrAAATTTS! I havn't met you yet but grats anyways.

Hi I'm Laika!

You won this game. mhmm. :D

xD grats again!

 #51891  by BadWolf
grats wolfy :D

 #51892  by Necros
Way to go Wolfeh, congrats :)

 #51957  by Akimoto

 #51969  by Kakashi.Archive

I am so proud of you... I cant express past that on how much you deserve this.

 #53263  by RoNin
Way late here but Grats dude! Hi all :p