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 #50741  by RaVeN
Promotions happen a lot in KR, and I for one think this is a good thing...but this promotion announcement is that of another breed...

What breed is that you ask? Oh it is a rare breed indeed (rhyme) one that does not happen too often in KR (which is a good thing)

It is the breed I belong to, that of the KR Council Member.

And just like in the infamous dog shows around the world these candidates are groomed to near perfection and tested on the stage before the final judgment.

Well the Council has come to a verdict...

We would like to announce the KR member who has finally finished their advancements.

Congratulations Jawfin! The path has ended but the journey has just begun.

Welcome into the Council 8)

 #50742  by Phoenix
Congratulations mate :)

 #50743  by blacki
that a lieEEEE !!!!!!! the cake is a lieeEEEEEE!!!!!aaAAAAAARRRGGGHHH (gongratz jawfeh :P )

 #50747  by Fazz
grats jaw, =), im sure ur gunna be a good counsil member =)

 #50751  by Phreedom

 #50753  by Akimoto
gz! :)

 #50755  by jawfin
Wow - I'm speechless (but not quite typeless)

So, thank you my peers for putting your trust in me; and I hope I can live up to the requirements desired for this responsibility.

I have so many people to thank too - and I guess this is the place. So firstly, my Master Squall - an awesome saberist who not only taught me my skill - but also taught me the art of teaching.

And, the council. A bunch of more long-suffering people you couldn't find; Phoenix, Starcomand and Darfin; and especially RaVeN as she took I felt a special interest in me.

This place is like my family, I've made friends and closer then friends too. I'm thinking of Dyyor now Senbou who always manages to lead the top position on my kill-tracker, and I on his.

Then, not my be outshone - Falcon. My first real online friend. Yea hon, we've been through so much together; but we always kept the love Image (I'd have to write a novel here just to do you justice). Also Necros too, of who's friendship I've come to value most highly and am always looking forward to seeing each day.

Lets squeeze in Eagle here who's helped me through some rough patches (hey buddy), and of course Pyra - whom I have a great love for and chat to everyday (when possible) and has great wisdom and has helped me with many many things; Image for you precious.

Jato too, my Padawan, who through his skill not only showed his caliber but allowed my to attain to the position I have - and its not until you have a Padawan and you have to explain in words can you really learn yourself your own art. We taught each other bro.

There's too many to mention, Kak and Wolf :) and Sarah (hey princess) and Ayz and Fazz and Zab and many of my long-term friends, and my new ones too.

And finally, Doomreaver for inviting me in the first place.

I'd like to thing I'm open for a chat anytime, and I will listen, and if I fail you dear friends in any way then please let me know - please do me the favour of allowing me to improve myself; for all our sakes.

You humble council servant Jawfin

 #50757  by Darfin
Long time comin bud. Congratulations, you've definitely earned it.

 #50758  by Greed
Gratz Jaws! It was obvious that u were gonna b a council member 1 day. :D

 #50763  by Necros
Congrats mate, I told you it was about time you get your ass in gear and get up into your seat at the Council's Table ;) So glad you've finally made it bud, it's been a long time coming and I wouldn't rather have anyone else there (not even myself :o) And don't worry, I always look forward to seeing you every day and talking you too mate, so thank you for those kind words. But back on topic, congrats bud, definitely well deserved ^^

 #50769  by Rugg
awesome Jaw!!
well deserved! :mrgreen:

 #50777  by Wolferion
I felt like I'll see that happen one day. That's the spirit mate, congratulations and make us proud I guess :D

 #50778  by Falcon
Hey Jaw, congrats!

Like I said on my master promotion post, you are one of the few people I know I can trust with anything. I know you are such a good person, and one of the smartest I've ever met. The Council could not of had a better candidate for the posistion.

Welcome to the Council Jawfin! *bow*

Much <3 always,

 #50782  by Eagle
Congrats Jaw, I'm sure you'll represent us all well up there :)

 #50802  by Starcomand
gz m8

 #50805  by SilentOne
w00t another council...CONGRATZ JAWFEH!!

 #50809  by Zabuza
got a quote for ya jawfy

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” :P

 #50813  by BadWolf
congrats jawfin, my bestest bud XD

you definately deserved this promotion ^^

honarable mention FTW :o

 #50822  by Dirge
*Gong sounds*
Jawfin, Your hard work, Dedication, and Pwnage....
Have finally paid off my friend!
Congratulations, For a well deserved rank!
*Graveyard Symphony begins to play*

Much <3 to you and the council ^_^

 #50838  by Delev
Congrats jaw :) You deserve this promotion :wink:

 #50956  by Jato
*cries* now i cant pick on my old master D: gratz jaw

 #51972  by Kakashi.Archive
A very late congrats to you jawfin ^^

 #52010  by Aayci Warrick
lol took you long enough,