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 #45824  by RaVeN
The Council has come to a decision about our vacant seat, and we are ready to select the new member to join us at the round table.

Therefore we are happy to announce that we are inviting Darfin to have a seat and to share with us his insight and experience.

We hope you have a long career overlooking the KR Clan as many before you have done, Darfin. Hold this position with honor and dignity.

Congratulations 8)

 #45825  by Kakashi.Archive
Congradulations Darfin :)

 #45826  by Wolferion
Congratulations Darfin, I told you have the chance :) Good luck

 #45827  by RoNin
There's something strange in the neighborhood who you gonna call? Ghost busters! sorry had the song in my head all night congrats

 #45833  by Falcon
Good job Darfin. You deserve it. :)

 #45834  by Necros
Congrats bud, do KR proud :o

 #45837  by Fazz
congrats dar, =)

 #45841  by Akimoto
Congratulation Darfin! :D

 #45853  by Darfin
Well gosh. Let me know ahead of time ;)
Nah jk. Thank you guys. I won't disappoint.

 #45854  by Eagle
Congrats dude :)

 #45863  by Kane
Congrats Darfin :D Do KR proud ;)

 #45868  by Chantelle

 #45869  by Starcomand
gz m8

 #45884  by FlapJack23
Congratz!! :D

 #45887  by Darfin
Ah, blast. Now I have to create a new sig. THANKS GUYS :roll:

 #45892  by Cross
Darfin wrote:Ah, blast. Now I have to create a new sig. THANKS GUYS :roll:
=P Congratz master 8) well deserved buddy, you waited long for it and i'm happy that you climbed up this far

cheers dar.

 #45927  by saunby
Well done :)

 #46010  by Aayci Warrick
Happy happy joy joy
Now we'll be expecting more from you, WATCH OUT

 #46020  by Darfin
Aayci Warrick wrote:Happy happy joy joy
Now we'll be expecting more from you, WATCH OUT
Naw, I would never have guessed.

 #46050  by NinjaSarah
Congratulations! *glomp*

 #46058  by Rugg
oh yeah! grats :!:

and whatever a glomp is :mrgreen:

 #46065  by saunby
Rugg wrote:and whatever a glomp is :mrgreen:
Ive always wondered that as well, it seems annoying though lol

 #46070  by Falcon
lol a glomp is a tackle-hug

 #46075  by Darfin
Falcon wrote:lol a glomp is a tackle-hug