Who's at what rank?

 #18212  by Exiamu
lol man..... ill give the rum anyway =)

 #18215  by Darfin
I request for the Padawanship of Jack.

Reasons for request:
1. I have not been on the server in 7 months.
2. I do not remember some of the required counters
3. I am not sure whether the Council will permit this for the two reasons above.

 #18217  by Darko
"1. I have not been on the server in 7 months.
2. I do not remember some of the required counters "

Arnt they negative things other than positive?

 #18218  by RaVeN
Darfin wrote:I request for the Padawanship of Jack.

Reasons for request:
1. I have not been on the server in 7 months.
2. I do not remember some of the required counters
3. I am not sure whether the Council will permit this for the two reasons above.


I dont get it.

First things first, he (being Capt. Sparrow) has to post that he is ok with it too before I can approve, and second you have to request to be his master no matter what.

You can't say "I'm his master now" you have to have it approved by The Council in any situation.

You made it seem like you’re only requesting because you feel you may not be up to grade to be a master.

Which brings me to number three, if you think you're not ready to be a master...then you probably shouldn't be a master. We trust that when you do take a Padawan that you think you're ready to teach. If you think you're not ready then dont take a student.

At least that’s what I think is going on. Correct me if I’m wrong.

 #18220  by Darfin
I apologize for not making myself clear.
He asked me on the server if I could be his master, and said I don't know whether the Council will let me.

I was more asking for advice, to whether I was ready to be a master again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

 #18221  by RaVeN
Darfin wrote:Woah.
I apologize for not making myself clear.
He asked me on the server if I could be his master, and said I don't know whether the Council will let me.

I was more asking for advice, to whether I was ready to be a master again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I didnt mean to sound mean I just wasnt sure what was going on.

So I will answer your question with a question. Do you think you're ready to be a master?

If you really want my opinion, sure, I would say give it a few days to a week before really taking on a student. Test yourself in the basics and the more advance stuff till your comfortable.

But if your comfortable now then go for it.

(Also I still need Capt's post that he agrees.)

 #18222  by Exiamu
well darf do you want to take on a student right now? or do you want to go over the basics again to make sure you have them down

 #18223  by Darfin
Well it's up to you Capt.
If your willing to wait a week maybe, then I'll be glad to take you.
But I understand if you'd rather somebody else.
Thanks for the advice rav.
I must recollect Master Ivy's teachings :twisted:

 #18225  by RaVeN
Captain Jack Sparrow wrote:well darf do you want to take on a student right now? or do you want to go over the basics again to make sure you have them down
Darfin wrote:Well it's up to you Capt.
If your willing to wait a week maybe, then I'll be glad to take you.
But I understand if you'd rather somebody else.
Thanks for the advice rav.
I must recollect Master Ivy's teachings :twisted:
One of you has to make a decision here. Dar dar, did you already tell Capt. about your...handicaps? If so, did he still agree to be your student online?

 #18226  by Darfin
Lol handicaps?
You mean my rustiness?
Oh yeah he knows. I made sure of that.
I'm really not as rusty as I thought I'd be 0.o.

Well yeah I'll take him if he wishes. I remember almost everything I've been taught so it should be fine.

 #18228  by Exiamu
so darf is gunna be my master?.... or do you want me to wait a week?

 #18230  by Exiamu
lol i just saw that thx raven and thx darf for bein my master

 #18231  by Darfin
I reckon that its time for you to bow down and call me master :)

 #18232  by Exiamu
lol maybe..... are you getting on tonight?

 #18235  by Starcomand
lol after that discusion congrats u 2 lol

 #18236  by Darfin
Captain Jack Sparrow wrote:lol maybe..... are you getting on tonight?
Seems like the server is down. This is disappointing, as its my first night back :(

 #18252  by Zabuza
gl u 2 :D

 #18253  by Delev
Good Luck jack :)

 #18254  by Tidus
congrats u 2, trust me darfin isnt that rusty, i was his first duel, me not trying he almost killed me :P

 #18256  by Darko
Raven you just raised a point.

Nobody ever seems to go to KR 2 when KR1 is down.

Which is a waste