Freefalling, that was how I felt when I first got into the online world of Jedi Academy. I had willingly dove headfirst into a swirling vortex of confusion, immaturity and chaos, not knowing what exactly was in store. Throughout this journey I have made and lost many good friends, created and took down multiple adversaries and even witnessed the downfall of several groups. I found myself always asking the same thing with every new experience and event: Why am I here?
This was a question that haunted me for many years, who was I, what did others perceive me as, where was I headed? Was I who I was meant to be and how was I going to come to terms with such an evolution?
I have gone by very few aliases in my time with this game, known as the Sith Lord Dyyor, Senbou the Unlucky Mirror and finally The BadWolf: The End and Beginning. My evolution has been rife with confusion, difficulties and, quite possibly most damning, dishonesty.
My story is not without wrinkles, rips and bends; my pages are frayed at the edges, my cover beaten and scratched. I am not without fault, I have done a great many things I am not proud of and it gives me great comfort that I could overcome my shortcomings. But this is who I was, who I am and who I was always meant to be: a loyal, eccentric, honorable and steadfast individual. I have been with Knights Reborn through some of its worst times, seen members come and go and risen to a position I can be proud of.
I have served Knights Reborn the best I could with the time I could offer, I have made several friendships that I am proud of. Even though people come and go, through their exits I see a glimmer of hope that I might have changed something in them as they had changed something in me.
But, I have reached a point in my life where I no longer have the same drive, or the time to put into maintaining my position in the clan. I unfortunately am leaving Knight Reborn, I need to focus on my life goals and keep up with my career. I will miss you all and try to make an effort to op in once in a while to say ‘hi’.
Having said these few words, I would like to thank a few of those I care about, the ones that helped raise me up to become a better and more compassionate person.
Raven: Being the one who invited me into your family, I feel the greatest gratitude to you. Your advice and guidance helped me through my trials as a Padawan and gained me the perspective I would need to continue down my path.
Delev: Even though you are no longer with this family, I still remember all you taught me, I am forever grateful, my Master.
Falcon: We joined this family at the same time, creating a bond that has lasted through every trial thrown at us. We are sibling clan mates and students, forging a friendship that will always be one of my happiest memories.
Jawfin: You have given me guidance, advice and the push I needed to become who I am today. I am forever in your debt and I appreciate all the things you have done for me.
Necros: You were my first and last student, where all others gave up you continued and succeeded to break the walls I thrust in front of you. I am proud of you and I am honored to have watched you walk your own path.
Lothar: I understand what you are going through and I have been there more times than I care to admit, but you can succeed in anything so long as you keep at it. Never give up and never surrender, keep these words close to your heart and your mind free of doubt. I believe in you and am honored to be your friend.
All of you, each of you are a part of this family, no matter how big or small your influence here. We all care for you, as you care for us. We will have our ups and downs, our little fights and disagreements, but we also have the happy times, where we provide support and understanding for one another.
Knights Reborn: we are family, we are community and we are here for each other. Never forget this, you are the future of this family and you will always matter.
I am Matthew Hayes, the BadWolf, and with a heavy heart, I formally resign my membership and rank of Arbiter in the Knights Reborn clan. I will watch this family's journey from a distance and hope with all my being that you all will continue to be as great as I know you can be.
This was a question that haunted me for many years, who was I, what did others perceive me as, where was I headed? Was I who I was meant to be and how was I going to come to terms with such an evolution?
I have gone by very few aliases in my time with this game, known as the Sith Lord Dyyor, Senbou the Unlucky Mirror and finally The BadWolf: The End and Beginning. My evolution has been rife with confusion, difficulties and, quite possibly most damning, dishonesty.
My story is not without wrinkles, rips and bends; my pages are frayed at the edges, my cover beaten and scratched. I am not without fault, I have done a great many things I am not proud of and it gives me great comfort that I could overcome my shortcomings. But this is who I was, who I am and who I was always meant to be: a loyal, eccentric, honorable and steadfast individual. I have been with Knights Reborn through some of its worst times, seen members come and go and risen to a position I can be proud of.
I have served Knights Reborn the best I could with the time I could offer, I have made several friendships that I am proud of. Even though people come and go, through their exits I see a glimmer of hope that I might have changed something in them as they had changed something in me.
But, I have reached a point in my life where I no longer have the same drive, or the time to put into maintaining my position in the clan. I unfortunately am leaving Knight Reborn, I need to focus on my life goals and keep up with my career. I will miss you all and try to make an effort to op in once in a while to say ‘hi’.
Having said these few words, I would like to thank a few of those I care about, the ones that helped raise me up to become a better and more compassionate person.
Raven: Being the one who invited me into your family, I feel the greatest gratitude to you. Your advice and guidance helped me through my trials as a Padawan and gained me the perspective I would need to continue down my path.
Delev: Even though you are no longer with this family, I still remember all you taught me, I am forever grateful, my Master.
Falcon: We joined this family at the same time, creating a bond that has lasted through every trial thrown at us. We are sibling clan mates and students, forging a friendship that will always be one of my happiest memories.
Jawfin: You have given me guidance, advice and the push I needed to become who I am today. I am forever in your debt and I appreciate all the things you have done for me.
Necros: You were my first and last student, where all others gave up you continued and succeeded to break the walls I thrust in front of you. I am proud of you and I am honored to have watched you walk your own path.
Lothar: I understand what you are going through and I have been there more times than I care to admit, but you can succeed in anything so long as you keep at it. Never give up and never surrender, keep these words close to your heart and your mind free of doubt. I believe in you and am honored to be your friend.
All of you, each of you are a part of this family, no matter how big or small your influence here. We all care for you, as you care for us. We will have our ups and downs, our little fights and disagreements, but we also have the happy times, where we provide support and understanding for one another.
Knights Reborn: we are family, we are community and we are here for each other. Never forget this, you are the future of this family and you will always matter.
I am Matthew Hayes, the BadWolf, and with a heavy heart, I formally resign my membership and rank of Arbiter in the Knights Reborn clan. I will watch this family's journey from a distance and hope with all my being that you all will continue to be as great as I know you can be.
Last edited by BadWolf on Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

~Come to bring the Lady of Time to her final destination, The Big Bad Wolf~