Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #8  by Phoenix
To become a Student the trialee needs to:
[] Successfully be voted into the clan by KR members.

To become a Padawan the trialee needs to:
[] Find a Master. (Knights preferred)
[] Get Council's consent on having that Master.
Students may elect to rank up to Jedi without a Master after two weeks from requesting one.

To become a Jedi the trialee needs to:
[] Train for 3 weeks since becoming a Padawan.
[] Get Master's consent (If applicable).
[] Pass the Jedi Trial:
  • *Basic counters test
To become a Jedi Adept the trialee needs to:
[] Train for 4 weeks since becoming a Jedi.
[] Obtain Master's consent (If applicable).

To become a Jedi Knight the trialee needs to:
[] Train for 3 weeks since becoming a Jedi Adept.
[] Pass the Jedi Knight Trial:
  • *Win at least 1/5 in 2v1 (kill both opponents).
    *Win at least 4/10 in 1v1.
To become a Jedi Guardian the trialee needs to:
[] Have trained a Padawan to Knight.
[] Become an Admin Teacher by Council invite. (Must be Knight Level Admin first.)

To become a Jedi Master the trialee needs to:
[] Become a Jedi Guardian.
[] Have completed the Admin School and Admin Trial.
[] Receive a Masters Trial invite from the Council.
[] Pass the Jedi Master Trial:
  • *Win at least 2/5 in 2v1 (kill both opponents).
    *Win at least 6/10 in 1v1.
For Jedi Arbiter and upwards are special ranks for all attributes once they have reached Jedi Master.