Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #171987  by Sakito
Hey everyone! I'm happy to tell ya'll here, Lurch has successfully passed his knight trial!

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Lurch

Trialer : Jawfin
Assistant : Sakito

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Jawfin)
2. Lost --(Sakito)
3. Won --(Jawfin)
4. Won --(Sakito)
5. Lost --(Jawfin)
6. Lost --(Sakito)
7. Won --(Jawfin)
8. Lost --(Sakito)
9. Won --(Jawfin)
10. Won --(Sakito)

2 vs 1:

1. Lost
2. Lost
3. Lost
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 5 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 1 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congratulations Lurch! Welcome back to Knighthood! :)
Congrats to CovertMuffin as well, our new Guardian! :)

~Roster & Tree Updated!~
 #171989  by jawfin
Well done mate, you were extremely nervous. We know your score would have been even higher had you not been. But it shows you can wear the tags knowing you can hold yourself under pressure.
 #171992  by Rogue



Congratulation Lurch!! I proud you made it in knight! :)

Here's a giggle:

 #171997  by Atsila
 #172002  by Lurch
Many thanks all. Much appreciated. I learned a couple things from this trial. I'm gonna try to improve myself and get better someday. To all like me who get nervous and have low confidence in themselves and feel under pressure in a trial, You CAN overcome and do what needs to be done, despite the odds. Believe in yourself and know you can do it. When its all said and done, you'll feel better and can tell yourself.....I accomplished something today. Its good to be at Knight again. I'm a happy camper.:) And thanks to this awesome clan and family, it feels even better.