Who's at what rank?
 #137401  by Lurch
I hereby request Rogue to be my trainer/Master if that's ok with all. My original one a few years ago was Wind. I know many of you remember him. I never completed that training because I left KR. THAT was a mistake on my part. But that's all water under the bridge now so I'm starting fresh again. Lord knows I need HELP!!! Dueling/fighting bots is WAY different from real people. This will be a great challenge for me. Ty all.
 #137402  by Yato
I would love to train you and the fun adventure shall continue :) We can learns each other no matter if's new or old styles, it's fun to learn new things everyday. Once again, I would love to take you.

Knights, speak up, this is your only chances, if none have spoke, I'm willing to take Lurch as Paddy
 #137404  by jawfin
Of course, what Rogue meant to say is we much prefer our Jedi Knights take the new Students as Padawans - so before anyone of a higher rank offers their services we would like to see what acceptable arrangements can be made between our Knights and Students.
 #137408  by Kirito
Get those saber skillz up man. Good luck with your training and future trials.
 #137452  by Lurch
Ty Kirito and my skillz or sad lack thereof are because I haven't played in about 3 years. And my red single style stinks. I have never been able to quite get the hang of red. I use it mostly in FFA's as a DFA attack. I primarily use yellow style when dueling, etc. In either case I am still rusty and with this new computer I have key binds in different places than my old one. I am still not used to it yet. But all in good time I suppose. :mrgreen: :D :) 8)
 #137545  by Kirito
Well, the positive note of that is you will always be learning new things then. I mean I've been playing for A LONG TIME lol, and still learn new things all the time. Rogue actually taught me some cool red moves just the other day. Just takes practice and a good trainer. Which in this case, KR server is full of crazy good players when you see them do something cool you don't know, ask them to show you. Then incorporate moves into your style :D.
 #137586  by Ted
I'll be more than happy to teach you if you like.
 #138020  by Lurch
Ok decision made but not easily. I like both of them. My choice is Rogue. I'm sorry Defeatedz . No hard feelings I hope. It was a tough decision for me to come to. Ty for both of you being patient and waiting for me to decide. :D :) :mrgreen: 8)
 #138043  by Ted
Absolutely no hard feelings, don't be silly! Good luck you two =)
 #138052  by Falcon

Good luck!