Ok so i had several people ask me about this and i thought they might be funny. Sirion kinda got me into thinking about them so i finally got to it. Ill have more later hope you enjoy the few i have now. XD
Some of these are funny or humours but some are kinda lame
Naruto Knights Village
Silvercloud leans up a against a tree. “ooh ronin I see your up early as usu----AAAAAAAAH!” tree collapses, Silvercloud gets back up. “GET SOME DAMN BRICKS TO PUT BEHIND THERE.!!”
Kakashi gets up out of bed to make breakfast for himself and Obito. *falls off bed* “mother BEEEEEEEEP” laughter in the background from Kenshin and Silvercloud.
Sirion gets ready to fight, “FANG OVER FANG,” collapses into wall “I was suppose to stop!” points fingers into the air.
Obito jumps up into the air, “Alright time to release my full power!” Wire snaps and he falls. Hime snickers in the background. A hand comes up in front of the screen. “I’m alright!”
Phoenix stands in front of everyone for Chuunin exam. “Alright everyone, please be exam, so we may begin the seating.” Dead silence. “Wait, What was my line?”
Keritchi yells at Banshee during chuunin exam. “Banshee we need to stop for a few minutes!” Bird flys over and poos on her shirt. “ God damn it.” “CUUUT” laughter in the background
Star sits on set, everyone looks next to him and sees an empty bottle of rum. Star attempst to get up and flals around trying to fight the emaginary person in front of him "ILL SHOW YOU THE CHIDORI!!"
Hime stands in office and gets ready to break her desk. “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, GOD DAMN IT!” Smack hand on table, pulls back when she realizes that the table didn’t break. She then looks at the director. “that wasn’t one of the dumby tables was it.” Glares at everyone.
Faia in the large tunnel room of water. She is trying to find a way to get rid of water as she smacks into the wall. Comes up for breath. “Ooooh, Hahaha.” Everyone around her checks to make sure shes ok, Tsukasa laughs then gets hit by a rock.
Kakashi and Kenshin fighting scene. Kenshin is about to use the Rasingan on Kakashi, “RASINGAN!” pokes Kakashi in the eye. “OMFG are you ok?”
Raven begins her fight, making the water style vortex jutsu. She gets splashed by water and falls over. “NOT AS INTENDED!”
Hime attempts to run after Darko jumping up high into the air. Darko meets up with her in the air. Soon falling realizing that his wires wernt connected with anything, then falls into the water below. Laughter once again in the background.
Silvercloud, Ignis, Faia, Pulls out guns "ANGEL STYLE..." scary moment of silence. "WRONG MOVIE"
NinjaSarah goes running down the hall after everyone with the tazer that was used for the Rasingan. "HAHAHA COME BACK FOOLS!"
The ninja stood high atop the hokage faces, suddenly the main leader falls off. Starcomand moves his head watching the person fall. He then turns around bright faced walks off set then everyone hears heavy laughter seconds later.
Darko gets ready to fight, but suddenly stops running forward when the pirates of the carribien plays in the background. A hat and a sword fall onto set. He looks around, puts the hat on and runs off set with the sword.
Some of these are funny or humours but some are kinda lame

Naruto Knights Village
Silvercloud leans up a against a tree. “ooh ronin I see your up early as usu----AAAAAAAAH!” tree collapses, Silvercloud gets back up. “GET SOME DAMN BRICKS TO PUT BEHIND THERE.!!”
Kakashi gets up out of bed to make breakfast for himself and Obito. *falls off bed* “mother BEEEEEEEEP” laughter in the background from Kenshin and Silvercloud.
Sirion gets ready to fight, “FANG OVER FANG,” collapses into wall “I was suppose to stop!” points fingers into the air.
Obito jumps up into the air, “Alright time to release my full power!” Wire snaps and he falls. Hime snickers in the background. A hand comes up in front of the screen. “I’m alright!”
Phoenix stands in front of everyone for Chuunin exam. “Alright everyone, please be exam, so we may begin the seating.” Dead silence. “Wait, What was my line?”
Keritchi yells at Banshee during chuunin exam. “Banshee we need to stop for a few minutes!” Bird flys over and poos on her shirt. “ God damn it.” “CUUUT” laughter in the background
Star sits on set, everyone looks next to him and sees an empty bottle of rum. Star attempst to get up and flals around trying to fight the emaginary person in front of him "ILL SHOW YOU THE CHIDORI!!"
Hime stands in office and gets ready to break her desk. “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, GOD DAMN IT!” Smack hand on table, pulls back when she realizes that the table didn’t break. She then looks at the director. “that wasn’t one of the dumby tables was it.” Glares at everyone.
Faia in the large tunnel room of water. She is trying to find a way to get rid of water as she smacks into the wall. Comes up for breath. “Ooooh, Hahaha.” Everyone around her checks to make sure shes ok, Tsukasa laughs then gets hit by a rock.
Kakashi and Kenshin fighting scene. Kenshin is about to use the Rasingan on Kakashi, “RASINGAN!” pokes Kakashi in the eye. “OMFG are you ok?”
Raven begins her fight, making the water style vortex jutsu. She gets splashed by water and falls over. “NOT AS INTENDED!”
Hime attempts to run after Darko jumping up high into the air. Darko meets up with her in the air. Soon falling realizing that his wires wernt connected with anything, then falls into the water below. Laughter once again in the background.
Silvercloud, Ignis, Faia, Pulls out guns "ANGEL STYLE..." scary moment of silence. "WRONG MOVIE"
NinjaSarah goes running down the hall after everyone with the tazer that was used for the Rasingan. "HAHAHA COME BACK FOOLS!"
The ninja stood high atop the hokage faces, suddenly the main leader falls off. Starcomand moves his head watching the person fall. He then turns around bright faced walks off set then everyone hears heavy laughter seconds later.
Darko gets ready to fight, but suddenly stops running forward when the pirates of the carribien plays in the background. A hat and a sword fall onto set. He looks around, puts the hat on and runs off set with the sword.
Last edited by Kakashi.Archive on Wed May 07, 2008 10:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Jingle bells, Twilight smells, Edward ran away. Bella Dies, Jacob Cries. Star Wars all the WAY!