When the jedi had to fight the sith in a war! their was so meny deaths in that war..the jedi tryed their best to stop the sith from takeing down the jedi council.. and in that war their was a jedi named Raziel. He was only a rank jedi. And he was able to get into the siths side of the battle. He brought some jedi with him to stop the sith lord.. but the sith lord was too strong he had killed all of the jedi with Raziel..and so Raziel had to fight the sith lord by himself and he was able to kill the sith lord but he had amost gotten killed... ever since that war their was peace to the galexy...and Raziel was given a rank council member... but he had desapered one day.. but after he despered there wasn't many jedi lift. but people had said they saw a few jedi in a bar but then they were gone..
it has been 15 years since that happend.
{part 1} To be continued!
it has been 15 years since that happend.
{part 1} To be continued!

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