As the new generations knew….
There was a huge war occurred four years ago…
Reason still unknown….all they knew was that
Many force users perished in this war….
It was NOT a Sith Lord who started the war….
That’s because they were targets as well….
It was a war waged by non-force users against force users….
For the first time Jedi and Sith join together to face this threat
The last Battle was fought on the planet Fevidouv …
4 years ago….
“This is Command Center Tovck! Report your situation! Report your situation!” a man was desperately trying to get to the other side to speak. He’s wearing a full battle suit and had a light saber in his right hand. He turned around, there were two people standing behind him. One is a human female, with long black hair up to her waist. She was wearing a long black rode and inside is pitch black battle suit. Her skin is as white as snow. The other one is a human male. He is leaning on the wall waiting. He wears a full scale dark red battle suit. There is no way anyone can see his face because he is wearing a helmet. The battle suit is all of scars all around it. He looks like a seasoned warrior.
“This is not good…..maybe you two should go and…..”
“Look at the situation? Then, help out as much as I can, and if the situation gets real ugly then come back at once right?” The man in the scared battle suit said. The human female just looked aside and smiled.
“Remember, this is urban warfare we are talking about. Maybe the team outside just lost contact for a moment; Then again, we should all prepare the worst.
“Just what are those people thinking? One day they just came charging in with guns and start hunting our kind down. The problem is that it is not just any one group. This is almost the whole universe.” The human female said.
“It’s not almost. It is the whole universe! What did we ever do to them?” the man in the battle suit said.
“Well…according to them, they calmed that we the force wielders are the cause of war and chaos. We sure had some good role models….Darth Vader, Emperor, Marrick, and some others who started the war many years ago. There are others things among those guys. The only thing we all know is that…they want all of our kind…dead.”
“Anyhow you two go take a look.”
Then the two went out the door and jumped into their speeders.
The situation is indeed chaotic. The sky is filled with different air crafts shooting each other. The ground was filled with force wielding troops and non-force wielding troops killing each other. Lasers and Light sabers are flying everywhere. Time to time there will be huge explosion and bodies started to fly into the sky. The two arrived at the scene.
They saw four huge AT-Four legged walker heading their way. The force wielding troops are being pushed back.
“ is really ugly. I cannot see Lessa and newspaper-ninja anywhere in there. I will go look for them. You go and see if you can do about the situation here. One more thing, do not die before me. If you do, I will come get you where ever you go.”
“Don’t worry, I will not go to places you cannot follow.”
Then the two went they separate ways.
Lessa and her troops were in the middle of the battle field. A better to put it would be the nastiest part of the whole war. Oil and blood sprayed on to her suit. That did not stop her from swinging her saber and hacking her way through the enemy’s lines. The problem is there were too many of them. It is like no matter how many times she pushes the enemies back, they will all come back in a matter of seconds.
“This seems endless…..not good at all.” She thought to herself. She used the force to pick up a lightsaber from the ground and threw it towards the wave enemies. A number of them went down at the instant. Her troops then dived forward into the front line. They all threw a bolt of force lightning and brought down a whole number of enemy troops. As one trained in Jedi arts, sensing danger is not a difficult task for Lessa; the only problem is she is in a middle of a battle. The hours of fighting has made her senses dull a bit. The moment she sensed danger, it was too late. She can only manage to escape before the plasma canon fired. She doesn’t have time warn her troops about the incoming attack. The only she see is the strong bright light of the plasma canon that erases her troops out of existence. The impact of the cannon created a shock that knocked Lessa out and send her flying back wards. Lessa adjusts herself in midair and lands herself safely on the ground. Then, she finds out she is being surround by enemy troopers.
“Down with the fore wielders! Killer HER NOW!!” The troopers shout as they aim their blasters at her. Lesser looked around, but she is completely surrounded that there is no way she can escape. She stands tall, put up her saber and a purple light comes out from the saber. The only expression on Lessa’s face is a smile. She is ready to go down in this fight.
“I guess I am not too late to have some fun.” A voice came in. Lessa looks up and see a shadow is diving down from the sky. The shadow created a shock wave upon landing. It knocked the troopers around Lessa and the shadow fly into all different directions. When the smoke clears, Lesser took a closer look. The shadowy figure stands up, and jumps inaction action slices a way for the both of them to escape through the enemy’s lines in a matter of a few strokes. Lessa already know who this is, she smiles and uses force speed and run. The two make their way under a ditch. They both sit down and start to breathe heavily due to the long duration of the force high speed running.
“I am sure you know how to make a better entrance than this. By the way, did you just say you are about to have some fun or something? Well, never mind, you are always more dangerous then you look, not to mention meaner. HIME” Lessa said
HIME took off her hood, revealing her long black air and her pale skin. She smiled.
“Now you are giving me way too much credit. But, I do hate much-not-needed-battles, such as this. It’s just that, I get so….blah. Let’s stop talking about me and my attitude issues. We need to get out of here. Ronin is busy taking care of the current situation and I can only hope that Newspaper-ninja is doing alright out there. I can sense him still alive at the very least.”
“You were with Ronin? Good! Let’s go find News and get to Ronin. We cannot afford to lose anyone there, like how lost Sparky not too long ago.”
HIME nodded, she knows too well that Sparky was gravely injured because he tried to warn the others about the attack. HIME and Lessa was about to get him in time. The injuries were too great that Sparky is still in the state of coma. If it was not for him, all the force users would be now dead. The two take a look outside and start searching for Newspaper-ninja. HIME knows that her job is to get Lessa and News back to safety with Ronin. That was what Phoenix told them to do. Then again, the situation is getting rather out of hand that she needs to do something about it. Then, a buzz sound came from HIME’s arm. It is the communicator on HIME’s battle suit. She put her left wrist up and a hologram came up. It is Ronin.
“HIME! HIME! Is this blasted piece of metal even on? I managed to find News. You found Lessa yet?”
“Well, I did manage to get her from turning into a hornets nest. What’s your position? We are coming over.”
Ronin gave HIME his position. Then he and News get back into action. He managed to find News in the think of battle. His situation was not as bad as Lessa’s. That’s why it was not too hard for Ronin to get News out of his situation.
“Ronin, if you have any bright ideas or suggestions…now is the time. You KNOW I am very open to suggestions and ideas.”
“Right now….just fight and slice as much as you can. HIME and Lessa will be here soon.” Ronin said
“Oh..great…I was afraid you will say that.”
Ronin took his staff and grabbed couple of shells and throw them. News pushed them hard into the sand. The incoming non-force wielding troopers are advancing in an endless wave. Ronin then take out a remote and press the red button on the remote. A huge explosion follows. The two use their cloaks and hoods to cover themselves from the incoming falling sand. They also need to get out of the way from all the falling body parts and machines parts.
“When it rains…it pours” News said. The two laughed at the situation. Ronin suddenly stop from laughing because picked up something from his helmet.
“Oh no….it seems that we create too much commotion around here. Something big is heading this way.” All went into silence.
Phoenix is still sitting in the base. He contacted the other sectors of the battle field. He knows that the war is going end on this planet. It is just the matter of who is going to win and how long does it take before the whole thing ends. Then, a hologram appeared in front of him. It is a female jedi dressed in the traditional jedi long robes.
“Hey! Good news Phoenix! All other sectors are under control. How’s red wing doing?”
“I am afraid not too good. I already send HIME and Ronin to support Lessa and News already.”
“I see…I am sending EvilIvy, Scythe, and Kane out to assist the situation then. We need to end this senseless war on this planet. How’s your side doing?”
“We are doing just fine. You all be careful alright? Fluffly out.” Then the hologram disappeared. Phoenix then take a look at the screen. He saw something big is heading where everyone is.
“That’s not good…I better go give those guys a hand or two.” He said.
Phoenix goes and adjusts his battle suit, then head out on to the battlefield. He is about to head out when he realizes that he needs someone to take charge at command center. He is in a headache now. Then he saw a signal coming in from a transporter. A hooded figure jumps out from the transport as it leaves. Phoenix goes to the figure and greets him/her. The person pulled down the hood and revealed himself as Nintendo. Phoenix knows better than anyone that Nintendo is the one man army as with some of the best fighters in the group.
“I heard the news from Kaweck Center. That’s why I am here. You can stay here and call upon the others. We need as much bodies as we can throw at this.”
“Well, Mutt, Raven and Tricky are leading the air forces battling as we speak. They informed me the skies are clear not too long ago. Plus they said they are coming for the incoming reinforcements of the enemies. Thing are looking up.” Phoenix said.
“Is that because HIME goes all crazy and slicing everything the looks like the enemies again? You know too well about her merciless approach towards the enemies.”
“You got to remember she is a hybrid of light and dark side forces. You heard about her story before. How she went through the stage between light and dark. She can be calm and graceful as and light Jedi can be. Then her bloodlust can be as merciless and insane as any darth Sith can ever be. There are only a few people she really respects. She is the lone wolf among any force users we know.”
“No kidding. No wonder a lot of people hates her. Still, she never cares…so seems that way.”
“Anyhow…I think you better go and lend the guys a hand.”
HIME felt a cold up her spine at the moment. Lessa is taking a rest after all the fighting. They finally meet up with Ronin and News. News has to once again tell HIME to call him Newsie than his name Newspaper-Ninja. HIME then gets into an argument with Newsie upon the topic. Ronin get caught in the middle trying to calm the two down. Then they all stopped and look up in the sky. From the sky, a few hooded figures landed in front of them.
“It’s good to see you people still alive and full of energy still.” One of the hooded figures said as the person removing the hood.
“You are done with your side already Shin? Anyhow…good to have you joined us.”
The others revealed themselves as Ice, Stealth, and Starcommand. They all exchange greetings to each other like professionals. Then, Ronin’s communicator is buzzing. He turned it on and sees Raven’s hologram.
“Listen up people! You have a mobile base heading your way. It is a G-class one. The best way to do this is to go have ground troops on inside and destroy the main core. The air force will keep them busy.”
“Sounds good to me, we will go inside and create as much ruckus as possible then. Ronin out.” Ronin said.
“Alright, you heard the woman. Let’s go.” News said to the others. They all cheered and start their operation. The problem is going into a mobile base is not an easy task. Even though they are force wielders and they can move really fast, they can still be picked up by the enemy. The last thing they need is to have the mobile base doing carpet bombing on them. That will be the end of the team. They need to spread out in teams of twos in order to move fast and get into the base with everyone unharmed. They sorted out the teams: Ronin is with Shin, Stealth is with Starcommand, Ice is with Newsie, and Lessa is with HIME. From Raven’s hologram vision they are shown what kind of base they will be looking at and they have to decide which way to attack. Shin has no doubts about Raven, and Mutt’s ability in the skies. The only thing he needs to worry is how get inside. A G-class mobile base is like two times as big as an Imperial Sector. It can go into space on its own and move on the ground like tanks. Just one of those can do a whole lot of damage.
“Err…eight lightsaber weilders are about take down something this big….that’s unheard of.” Phoenix says. He already sent Nintendo on his way. Kane, Scythe, EvilIvy are on their way too. Axel and Stump are on their way once they heard of the G-class heading on red wing. Right now, they need to get in the base first. The air force came just as planned. They start getting the attention of the G-class base. The others wait somewhere else for the perfect moment. Since the base is tuck somewhere in a ruined city; hiding is not a problem. HIME and Lessa hide themselves on top of a ruined building which locates at the east side of the base. They dash out from the rubble the moment the base get close enough. HIME throws her saber and a hole was made on the surface of the base and they dive in. Stealth and Starcommand located south side. They let the base pass through and then jump into through one of the back doors. Ronin and Shin take the daring approach. They smash their way in from the front. They jumped throw couple of huge rocks and smash it into the observation deck and begin their slicing and dicing. Ice and Newsie came through underneath the base and tried to get to the core. Since the base is really big, it will take them some time before reaching the core of the base and do some real damage. The other thing is never a good idea to have eight people to go against thousands. They all need to avoid as much fighting as possible. In this case Ronin and Shin need to take out as many people as thy can before more troops come in. Ronin takes out his staff and start swinging it like a windmill when he first land into the observation deck. No one on the deck saw that coming; plus most of the people on deck only arm themselves with a pistol. That is why it is not a tough job for Shin and Ronin. Shin throws couple of deck officers out the base through the hole they made. Ronin then smashes the communicating system with his fist then throw his staff into the line of troopers out the door who are trying to get in. Shin is done cleaning up the deck and stops the advancement of the base. The two then walk out the door and try to meet up with the others. The moment they walk into the hallway, they can hear lots of footsteps coming towards him.
“Heavy footsteps…..the death squads! We need to move fast.” Shin said
Death squads are troopers specially trained to take down a force user. Any lightsaber wielder knows there people should not be taken lightly. These men killed many force-users in the war. They are a pack of hunting wolves. They usually armed with the new weapon thunder strikers. This weapon shoots out a bolt of electricity which only target force users. It disables the use of force and then the squad can take a force user down without breaking a sweat. These people are armed with heavy armor with is semi-lightsaber resistant. It is a group that cannot be taken lightly.
“If this base has these troops contained inside, that means one of the head military heads is here.” Ronin said.
“No doubt, we need to move and hopefully the others are okay.” Shin said.
HIME and Lessa are both going through air ducks and avoided a horde of death squad troopers. They jump around ceilings and mind trick some unlucky weak mined personal to open doors for them. They both have a good time chatting along the way.
“I remember when I first met you. At that time, most people think you are the hardest person to approach. You can be the most forgiving and caring person, but sometimes you are wild and merciless.” Lessa said.
“It hasn’t change now does it? I only do what is right to do. It is true sometimes I take things too far; then again, I have zero tolerance over someone being a coward.”
“But you know your way of doing thing rile up a lot of Jedi! It is getting worst that even most Sith hates you! You do know that you only have a handful of people standing beside you! I can actually count them out with ten fingers!” Lesaa spoke with concern.
“Not many people are as friendly and as nice you. I am just being true to myself and to others. It is true that I only have a handful of people whom I can call them as friends. That’s why I will protect them as I will protect you.” HIME said with a smile. Lessa becomes speechless in front of HIME’s smile.
“That is why don’t you dare die before me okay? I say that too my friends. Now let’s go.” HIME said. Lessa can only follow close behind with disbelief. They walk through the main air duck system and reach the end of it. Lessa draws out her lightsaber and cut a small hole. They peek into it and see they are right above where Ice and Newsie are. Those seem like they are in some sort of trouble. That’s because HIME and lessa saw lasers are flying around Newsie and Ice. The reason being when Ronin and Shin causing so much commotion, the troops in the base are ready to go into action, then Ice and Newsie got into the base and managed to meet them head on. It was a matter of bad luck.
“What luck! We ran into a bee’s hive right the moment we set foot inside this moving metal house. I just hate the fact that this place is not much different than on the battlefield.” Newsie said.
“Well, at least you can move again on the battlefield. Here, we are kind of stuck in a hallway or a tunnel. We are easy targets here!” Ice answered as the two deflecting laser beams with their sabers.
Lessa wants to jump down to help but HIME stops her. HIME smiles and uses the force to pick up a pistol on the ground. HIME took the pistol and shoot at all the lights in the area. The moment the lights are out HIME and Lessa spring into action. Newsie and Ice correspond to their actions. The troopers are well trained to fight in any situation, but not in sudden changes. They do not know what hit them.
“Okay, force sensing does have its perks after all. Thanks you two. By the way, how did you two get here without much fighting or no fighting at all?” Ice said.
“You know there is something you have learned called mind trick. It comes in handy when you need to open doors and all. You don’t need to slice through doors and all. It’s useful.” Lessa said.
“Ice, I did say we should use mind trick! But you have to say something like “maybe nex time” and charge them with your lightsaber!” Newsie said.
“I thought that was going to be easy.” Ice said. HIME gives out a smirk and Lessa just cover her mouth from her giggling.
In the air, Raven, Mutt, and Tricky are trying to get all the attention of the base. So, far, everything goes well. Raven sees how the teams get into the base, she then start firing at the base like crazy. The gun fire from the base return just as insane as Raven did on it a second ago. To be honest, Raven almost had a breakdown when she saw Ronin and Shin slammed themselves into the best by throwing rocks and all. Then, she saw fire coming out from the inside the base she knew that everyone is making the non-force users troopers a living hell.
“So, what’s the plan? The teams are inside already.” Mutt asked.
“Well, they need cover fire when they get out. Besides, we still need to do some damage on this thing.” Raven said. Then she sees Phoenix’s hologram appears.
“Listen up everyone! Fuffly has news for us. It seems the other side is not going to back down. To our very own surprise, their military leader actually come here himself. His personal cruiser “The Banisher” is floating high orbit over Fevidouv!”
“That means we all need to go in space now.” Mutt let out sign as she said that.
Inside the base, everyone more or less took a deep breath or gasped. Newsie look to the others. He can only they them so far away because they left him when he was listening to the message. He can only yell and run up to catch up to them. Stealth and Starcommand meet up with Ronin and Shin after going through a think line of enemies.
“So, we are done destroying the command deck. Then, we just have to go to the core and throw couple of lighters then that’s it.” Shin said.
“Don’t forget there are goodness knows how many guards between us and our destination. They are going to fight harder because their leader has arrived.” Starcommand said.
“True, they cannot afford to lose a G-class like this. Then again, I always love big explosions.” Ice said to the others. They have already studied the structure of a G-class many times before. Plus, these eight lightsaber wielders had experience in destroying one or two G-class during the war. It is not a hard task for them; then again the G-class is so huge that they need to walk a long distance. They also need to figure out how to escape from the destruction later if they succeed in taking it down from the inside
In the air, Raven, Mutt, and Tricky are trying to get all the attention of the base. So, far, everything goes well. Raven sees how the teams get into the base, she then start firing at the base like crazy. The gun fire from the base return just as insane as Raven did on it a second ago. To be honest, Raven almost had a breakdown when she saw Ronin and Shin slammed themselves into the best by throwing rocks and all. Then, she saw fire coming out from the inside the base she knew that everyone is making the non-force users troopers a living hell.
“So, what’s the plan? The teams are inside already.â€
There was a huge war occurred four years ago…
Reason still unknown….all they knew was that
Many force users perished in this war….
It was NOT a Sith Lord who started the war….
That’s because they were targets as well….
It was a war waged by non-force users against force users….
For the first time Jedi and Sith join together to face this threat
The last Battle was fought on the planet Fevidouv …
4 years ago….
“This is Command Center Tovck! Report your situation! Report your situation!” a man was desperately trying to get to the other side to speak. He’s wearing a full battle suit and had a light saber in his right hand. He turned around, there were two people standing behind him. One is a human female, with long black hair up to her waist. She was wearing a long black rode and inside is pitch black battle suit. Her skin is as white as snow. The other one is a human male. He is leaning on the wall waiting. He wears a full scale dark red battle suit. There is no way anyone can see his face because he is wearing a helmet. The battle suit is all of scars all around it. He looks like a seasoned warrior.
“This is not good…..maybe you two should go and…..”
“Look at the situation? Then, help out as much as I can, and if the situation gets real ugly then come back at once right?” The man in the scared battle suit said. The human female just looked aside and smiled.
“Remember, this is urban warfare we are talking about. Maybe the team outside just lost contact for a moment; Then again, we should all prepare the worst.
“Just what are those people thinking? One day they just came charging in with guns and start hunting our kind down. The problem is that it is not just any one group. This is almost the whole universe.” The human female said.
“It’s not almost. It is the whole universe! What did we ever do to them?” the man in the battle suit said.
“Well…according to them, they calmed that we the force wielders are the cause of war and chaos. We sure had some good role models….Darth Vader, Emperor, Marrick, and some others who started the war many years ago. There are others things among those guys. The only thing we all know is that…they want all of our kind…dead.”
“Anyhow you two go take a look.”
Then the two went out the door and jumped into their speeders.
The situation is indeed chaotic. The sky is filled with different air crafts shooting each other. The ground was filled with force wielding troops and non-force wielding troops killing each other. Lasers and Light sabers are flying everywhere. Time to time there will be huge explosion and bodies started to fly into the sky. The two arrived at the scene.
They saw four huge AT-Four legged walker heading their way. The force wielding troops are being pushed back.
“ is really ugly. I cannot see Lessa and newspaper-ninja anywhere in there. I will go look for them. You go and see if you can do about the situation here. One more thing, do not die before me. If you do, I will come get you where ever you go.”
“Don’t worry, I will not go to places you cannot follow.”
Then the two went they separate ways.
Lessa and her troops were in the middle of the battle field. A better to put it would be the nastiest part of the whole war. Oil and blood sprayed on to her suit. That did not stop her from swinging her saber and hacking her way through the enemy’s lines. The problem is there were too many of them. It is like no matter how many times she pushes the enemies back, they will all come back in a matter of seconds.
“This seems endless…..not good at all.” She thought to herself. She used the force to pick up a lightsaber from the ground and threw it towards the wave enemies. A number of them went down at the instant. Her troops then dived forward into the front line. They all threw a bolt of force lightning and brought down a whole number of enemy troops. As one trained in Jedi arts, sensing danger is not a difficult task for Lessa; the only problem is she is in a middle of a battle. The hours of fighting has made her senses dull a bit. The moment she sensed danger, it was too late. She can only manage to escape before the plasma canon fired. She doesn’t have time warn her troops about the incoming attack. The only she see is the strong bright light of the plasma canon that erases her troops out of existence. The impact of the cannon created a shock that knocked Lessa out and send her flying back wards. Lessa adjusts herself in midair and lands herself safely on the ground. Then, she finds out she is being surround by enemy troopers.
“Down with the fore wielders! Killer HER NOW!!” The troopers shout as they aim their blasters at her. Lesser looked around, but she is completely surrounded that there is no way she can escape. She stands tall, put up her saber and a purple light comes out from the saber. The only expression on Lessa’s face is a smile. She is ready to go down in this fight.
“I guess I am not too late to have some fun.” A voice came in. Lessa looks up and see a shadow is diving down from the sky. The shadow created a shock wave upon landing. It knocked the troopers around Lessa and the shadow fly into all different directions. When the smoke clears, Lesser took a closer look. The shadowy figure stands up, and jumps inaction action slices a way for the both of them to escape through the enemy’s lines in a matter of a few strokes. Lessa already know who this is, she smiles and uses force speed and run. The two make their way under a ditch. They both sit down and start to breathe heavily due to the long duration of the force high speed running.
“I am sure you know how to make a better entrance than this. By the way, did you just say you are about to have some fun or something? Well, never mind, you are always more dangerous then you look, not to mention meaner. HIME” Lessa said
HIME took off her hood, revealing her long black air and her pale skin. She smiled.
“Now you are giving me way too much credit. But, I do hate much-not-needed-battles, such as this. It’s just that, I get so….blah. Let’s stop talking about me and my attitude issues. We need to get out of here. Ronin is busy taking care of the current situation and I can only hope that Newspaper-ninja is doing alright out there. I can sense him still alive at the very least.”
“You were with Ronin? Good! Let’s go find News and get to Ronin. We cannot afford to lose anyone there, like how lost Sparky not too long ago.”
HIME nodded, she knows too well that Sparky was gravely injured because he tried to warn the others about the attack. HIME and Lessa was about to get him in time. The injuries were too great that Sparky is still in the state of coma. If it was not for him, all the force users would be now dead. The two take a look outside and start searching for Newspaper-ninja. HIME knows that her job is to get Lessa and News back to safety with Ronin. That was what Phoenix told them to do. Then again, the situation is getting rather out of hand that she needs to do something about it. Then, a buzz sound came from HIME’s arm. It is the communicator on HIME’s battle suit. She put her left wrist up and a hologram came up. It is Ronin.
“HIME! HIME! Is this blasted piece of metal even on? I managed to find News. You found Lessa yet?”
“Well, I did manage to get her from turning into a hornets nest. What’s your position? We are coming over.”
Ronin gave HIME his position. Then he and News get back into action. He managed to find News in the think of battle. His situation was not as bad as Lessa’s. That’s why it was not too hard for Ronin to get News out of his situation.
“Ronin, if you have any bright ideas or suggestions…now is the time. You KNOW I am very open to suggestions and ideas.”
“Right now….just fight and slice as much as you can. HIME and Lessa will be here soon.” Ronin said
“Oh..great…I was afraid you will say that.”
Ronin took his staff and grabbed couple of shells and throw them. News pushed them hard into the sand. The incoming non-force wielding troopers are advancing in an endless wave. Ronin then take out a remote and press the red button on the remote. A huge explosion follows. The two use their cloaks and hoods to cover themselves from the incoming falling sand. They also need to get out of the way from all the falling body parts and machines parts.
“When it rains…it pours” News said. The two laughed at the situation. Ronin suddenly stop from laughing because picked up something from his helmet.
“Oh no….it seems that we create too much commotion around here. Something big is heading this way.” All went into silence.
Phoenix is still sitting in the base. He contacted the other sectors of the battle field. He knows that the war is going end on this planet. It is just the matter of who is going to win and how long does it take before the whole thing ends. Then, a hologram appeared in front of him. It is a female jedi dressed in the traditional jedi long robes.
“Hey! Good news Phoenix! All other sectors are under control. How’s red wing doing?”
“I am afraid not too good. I already send HIME and Ronin to support Lessa and News already.”
“I see…I am sending EvilIvy, Scythe, and Kane out to assist the situation then. We need to end this senseless war on this planet. How’s your side doing?”
“We are doing just fine. You all be careful alright? Fluffly out.” Then the hologram disappeared. Phoenix then take a look at the screen. He saw something big is heading where everyone is.
“That’s not good…I better go give those guys a hand or two.” He said.
Phoenix goes and adjusts his battle suit, then head out on to the battlefield. He is about to head out when he realizes that he needs someone to take charge at command center. He is in a headache now. Then he saw a signal coming in from a transporter. A hooded figure jumps out from the transport as it leaves. Phoenix goes to the figure and greets him/her. The person pulled down the hood and revealed himself as Nintendo. Phoenix knows better than anyone that Nintendo is the one man army as with some of the best fighters in the group.
“I heard the news from Kaweck Center. That’s why I am here. You can stay here and call upon the others. We need as much bodies as we can throw at this.”
“Well, Mutt, Raven and Tricky are leading the air forces battling as we speak. They informed me the skies are clear not too long ago. Plus they said they are coming for the incoming reinforcements of the enemies. Thing are looking up.” Phoenix said.
“Is that because HIME goes all crazy and slicing everything the looks like the enemies again? You know too well about her merciless approach towards the enemies.”
“You got to remember she is a hybrid of light and dark side forces. You heard about her story before. How she went through the stage between light and dark. She can be calm and graceful as and light Jedi can be. Then her bloodlust can be as merciless and insane as any darth Sith can ever be. There are only a few people she really respects. She is the lone wolf among any force users we know.”
“No kidding. No wonder a lot of people hates her. Still, she never cares…so seems that way.”
“Anyhow…I think you better go and lend the guys a hand.”
HIME felt a cold up her spine at the moment. Lessa is taking a rest after all the fighting. They finally meet up with Ronin and News. News has to once again tell HIME to call him Newsie than his name Newspaper-Ninja. HIME then gets into an argument with Newsie upon the topic. Ronin get caught in the middle trying to calm the two down. Then they all stopped and look up in the sky. From the sky, a few hooded figures landed in front of them.
“It’s good to see you people still alive and full of energy still.” One of the hooded figures said as the person removing the hood.
“You are done with your side already Shin? Anyhow…good to have you joined us.”
The others revealed themselves as Ice, Stealth, and Starcommand. They all exchange greetings to each other like professionals. Then, Ronin’s communicator is buzzing. He turned it on and sees Raven’s hologram.
“Listen up people! You have a mobile base heading your way. It is a G-class one. The best way to do this is to go have ground troops on inside and destroy the main core. The air force will keep them busy.”
“Sounds good to me, we will go inside and create as much ruckus as possible then. Ronin out.” Ronin said.
“Alright, you heard the woman. Let’s go.” News said to the others. They all cheered and start their operation. The problem is going into a mobile base is not an easy task. Even though they are force wielders and they can move really fast, they can still be picked up by the enemy. The last thing they need is to have the mobile base doing carpet bombing on them. That will be the end of the team. They need to spread out in teams of twos in order to move fast and get into the base with everyone unharmed. They sorted out the teams: Ronin is with Shin, Stealth is with Starcommand, Ice is with Newsie, and Lessa is with HIME. From Raven’s hologram vision they are shown what kind of base they will be looking at and they have to decide which way to attack. Shin has no doubts about Raven, and Mutt’s ability in the skies. The only thing he needs to worry is how get inside. A G-class mobile base is like two times as big as an Imperial Sector. It can go into space on its own and move on the ground like tanks. Just one of those can do a whole lot of damage.
“Err…eight lightsaber weilders are about take down something this big….that’s unheard of.” Phoenix says. He already sent Nintendo on his way. Kane, Scythe, EvilIvy are on their way too. Axel and Stump are on their way once they heard of the G-class heading on red wing. Right now, they need to get in the base first. The air force came just as planned. They start getting the attention of the G-class base. The others wait somewhere else for the perfect moment. Since the base is tuck somewhere in a ruined city; hiding is not a problem. HIME and Lessa hide themselves on top of a ruined building which locates at the east side of the base. They dash out from the rubble the moment the base get close enough. HIME throws her saber and a hole was made on the surface of the base and they dive in. Stealth and Starcommand located south side. They let the base pass through and then jump into through one of the back doors. Ronin and Shin take the daring approach. They smash their way in from the front. They jumped throw couple of huge rocks and smash it into the observation deck and begin their slicing and dicing. Ice and Newsie came through underneath the base and tried to get to the core. Since the base is really big, it will take them some time before reaching the core of the base and do some real damage. The other thing is never a good idea to have eight people to go against thousands. They all need to avoid as much fighting as possible. In this case Ronin and Shin need to take out as many people as thy can before more troops come in. Ronin takes out his staff and start swinging it like a windmill when he first land into the observation deck. No one on the deck saw that coming; plus most of the people on deck only arm themselves with a pistol. That is why it is not a tough job for Shin and Ronin. Shin throws couple of deck officers out the base through the hole they made. Ronin then smashes the communicating system with his fist then throw his staff into the line of troopers out the door who are trying to get in. Shin is done cleaning up the deck and stops the advancement of the base. The two then walk out the door and try to meet up with the others. The moment they walk into the hallway, they can hear lots of footsteps coming towards him.
“Heavy footsteps…..the death squads! We need to move fast.” Shin said
Death squads are troopers specially trained to take down a force user. Any lightsaber wielder knows there people should not be taken lightly. These men killed many force-users in the war. They are a pack of hunting wolves. They usually armed with the new weapon thunder strikers. This weapon shoots out a bolt of electricity which only target force users. It disables the use of force and then the squad can take a force user down without breaking a sweat. These people are armed with heavy armor with is semi-lightsaber resistant. It is a group that cannot be taken lightly.
“If this base has these troops contained inside, that means one of the head military heads is here.” Ronin said.
“No doubt, we need to move and hopefully the others are okay.” Shin said.
HIME and Lessa are both going through air ducks and avoided a horde of death squad troopers. They jump around ceilings and mind trick some unlucky weak mined personal to open doors for them. They both have a good time chatting along the way.
“I remember when I first met you. At that time, most people think you are the hardest person to approach. You can be the most forgiving and caring person, but sometimes you are wild and merciless.” Lessa said.
“It hasn’t change now does it? I only do what is right to do. It is true sometimes I take things too far; then again, I have zero tolerance over someone being a coward.”
“But you know your way of doing thing rile up a lot of Jedi! It is getting worst that even most Sith hates you! You do know that you only have a handful of people standing beside you! I can actually count them out with ten fingers!” Lesaa spoke with concern.
“Not many people are as friendly and as nice you. I am just being true to myself and to others. It is true that I only have a handful of people whom I can call them as friends. That’s why I will protect them as I will protect you.” HIME said with a smile. Lessa becomes speechless in front of HIME’s smile.
“That is why don’t you dare die before me okay? I say that too my friends. Now let’s go.” HIME said. Lessa can only follow close behind with disbelief. They walk through the main air duck system and reach the end of it. Lessa draws out her lightsaber and cut a small hole. They peek into it and see they are right above where Ice and Newsie are. Those seem like they are in some sort of trouble. That’s because HIME and lessa saw lasers are flying around Newsie and Ice. The reason being when Ronin and Shin causing so much commotion, the troops in the base are ready to go into action, then Ice and Newsie got into the base and managed to meet them head on. It was a matter of bad luck.
“What luck! We ran into a bee’s hive right the moment we set foot inside this moving metal house. I just hate the fact that this place is not much different than on the battlefield.” Newsie said.
“Well, at least you can move again on the battlefield. Here, we are kind of stuck in a hallway or a tunnel. We are easy targets here!” Ice answered as the two deflecting laser beams with their sabers.
Lessa wants to jump down to help but HIME stops her. HIME smiles and uses the force to pick up a pistol on the ground. HIME took the pistol and shoot at all the lights in the area. The moment the lights are out HIME and Lessa spring into action. Newsie and Ice correspond to their actions. The troopers are well trained to fight in any situation, but not in sudden changes. They do not know what hit them.
“Okay, force sensing does have its perks after all. Thanks you two. By the way, how did you two get here without much fighting or no fighting at all?” Ice said.
“You know there is something you have learned called mind trick. It comes in handy when you need to open doors and all. You don’t need to slice through doors and all. It’s useful.” Lessa said.
“Ice, I did say we should use mind trick! But you have to say something like “maybe nex time” and charge them with your lightsaber!” Newsie said.
“I thought that was going to be easy.” Ice said. HIME gives out a smirk and Lessa just cover her mouth from her giggling.
In the air, Raven, Mutt, and Tricky are trying to get all the attention of the base. So, far, everything goes well. Raven sees how the teams get into the base, she then start firing at the base like crazy. The gun fire from the base return just as insane as Raven did on it a second ago. To be honest, Raven almost had a breakdown when she saw Ronin and Shin slammed themselves into the best by throwing rocks and all. Then, she saw fire coming out from the inside the base she knew that everyone is making the non-force users troopers a living hell.
“So, what’s the plan? The teams are inside already.” Mutt asked.
“Well, they need cover fire when they get out. Besides, we still need to do some damage on this thing.” Raven said. Then she sees Phoenix’s hologram appears.
“Listen up everyone! Fuffly has news for us. It seems the other side is not going to back down. To our very own surprise, their military leader actually come here himself. His personal cruiser “The Banisher” is floating high orbit over Fevidouv!”
“That means we all need to go in space now.” Mutt let out sign as she said that.
Inside the base, everyone more or less took a deep breath or gasped. Newsie look to the others. He can only they them so far away because they left him when he was listening to the message. He can only yell and run up to catch up to them. Stealth and Starcommand meet up with Ronin and Shin after going through a think line of enemies.
“So, we are done destroying the command deck. Then, we just have to go to the core and throw couple of lighters then that’s it.” Shin said.
“Don’t forget there are goodness knows how many guards between us and our destination. They are going to fight harder because their leader has arrived.” Starcommand said.
“True, they cannot afford to lose a G-class like this. Then again, I always love big explosions.” Ice said to the others. They have already studied the structure of a G-class many times before. Plus, these eight lightsaber wielders had experience in destroying one or two G-class during the war. It is not a hard task for them; then again the G-class is so huge that they need to walk a long distance. They also need to figure out how to escape from the destruction later if they succeed in taking it down from the inside
In the air, Raven, Mutt, and Tricky are trying to get all the attention of the base. So, far, everything goes well. Raven sees how the teams get into the base, she then start firing at the base like crazy. The gun fire from the base return just as insane as Raven did on it a second ago. To be honest, Raven almost had a breakdown when she saw Ronin and Shin slammed themselves into the best by throwing rocks and all. Then, she saw fire coming out from the inside the base she knew that everyone is making the non-force users troopers a living hell.
“So, what’s the plan? The teams are inside already.â€
Last edited by Craig on Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.